Chapter 9: Final Invitation Part 1

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Note on how to read this:

*: for locations and time
": Titles of the person, Remarks
~: Flashbacks
^: Notes
() : Inside talks (basically mind talks), giving some side info and meanings
|: Characterization (the characters or places origin in a kind of narration) but also shows more info about a specific frame, reward, contract, or to what the mc and other characters writing in their book and some information.
': Narration
°: emotions the person has when talking
{}: sound effects

That is all hope you enjoy reading💗

Also, the name of the author:
Madam Tophat✨️


~Previously in Chapter 8~

Arthur: Well... it's about kaisen...

Jake and Adams: !!!

Adams: What do you mean?

Arthur: °smirks°

'Arthur smirks devilishly as if he's planning something bad again.'

~End of Chapter~

^Time Skip^
*3 months,3 weeks later*
*a week before his birthday*


'In the 3 months and 3 weeks, it was a relatively peaceful time for kaisen.'

'Every day he eats with his father alone, spends time with his father Alone, letting him teach kaisen about different things for the preparation of kaisen's return to school.'

'Though even that was good he is still being belittled and insulted by his siblings behind their father's back every few weeks.'

'Usually, kaisen will be left alone and he continues to study by what his father taught him for he is afraid of what will happen when he finally goes back to school.'

'Lastly, some butlers have started to gain sympathy for him and started to care for him which made kaisen happy for the progress that he made gaining back the trust of others.'

~End of Recap~

*Kaisen's Bedroom, 8:11 am*

'Kaisen woke up quickly getting off his bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.'

'After that, he then starts dressing up because he is excited about something. What is it?'

'Today he and his father is going to venture to the kingdom of Alias, The kingdom where different species live.'

|In the Novel, there are 4 major kingdoms, each of them is diverse and different from the other but they are still together due to the oath that they made..... well for now that is.

Kingdom of Aristro, Home to Humans this place is where all the good things come from because of their ability to adapt and progress far than anyone else with different things being made which to how the kingdom looks today. The ruler of this place is the Family of Kingsworth.

Kingdom of Alias, Home to Orcs, Fairies, Elfs, and other non-human/hybrid creatures lived. This place is a bit slower in progression unlike the humans because this kingdom was created 200 years ago. The ruler of this place is the Family of Aliastia which is the family of Elves.

The Kingdom of Goldville is where bandits, thieves, merchants, and mercenaries exist this place is like an ordering palace by the 3 kingdoms for their trading abilities. In terms of income they are like the bank for the 3 kingdoms that's why they are the 2nd to the outmost respected kingdoms all around. The ruler of this place is the Family of Collins.

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