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Memories are like antiques. The older they are, The more valuable they became.


As Addams's car drove towards Nevermore Academy, another car passed them, went to opposite direction.

The car stopped by a sign written 'Nevermore Academy: Next Left'.

The car was driven by a woman and a man was sitting next to her, said "Just over here is fine." and stepped out of the car as the car stopped.

......[ Slams ]....

"Thanks" The man said while closing the door of the car.

"You sure you want to get out here?" The woman asked with a hesitating tone. "The trail might look pretty, but it runs right past Nevermore." The woman tried to explain him so, he can change his mind.

"That school for outcasts?" The man asked to clarify his doubt.

" Huh.! That’s a polite way of putting it." The woman said sarcastically.

" I never had a problem with outcasts." He said. "My counselor at summer camp was a werewolf. Great guy." He remembered.

" Yeah, they’re just like you and me, until they rip your throat out." She scoffed while nodding her head.

The man chuckles wryly "Thanks.", and walked away further into the woods.


...[bird caws]...

The man sat on a fallen branch to rest. He took out a thermos and poured himself a drink and looking around to observe the forest.

[low, menacing music playing]

..[branches snapping]..

As he was resting a little bit, he heard some sound. He started looking around but didn't see anything. He didn't mind it and thought that for some animals.

...[ragged breathing]...

...[creature snarls]...

But suddenly, something huge came running towards him which made him scream with fear.

....[panicked screaming]....


....[gate hinges creak]...

Nevermore Academy's gate opened and Addams' car drove onto the ground of Nevermore Academy.


Morticia looked outside through the window and noticed the rainy weather "At least it’s turning into a beautiful day."

....[bells tolling]....

....[thunder rumbling]....

The car came to a halt. Infront of the car a huge scary castle was present also known as Nevermore Academy.

My Little Vampire (Male Wednesday x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now