epilogue- the end

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DRACO MALFOY'S FAVOURITE person had always been scarlett malfoy. he'd known since a child she would be his. and while he made some questionable decisions getting there, he knew they led to the perfect thing as he watched his pregnant wife and their son.

"are you just going to stand there or are you going to join us?" scarlett didn't even look away form scorpius.

he pushed of the doorway, making his way over to them. "how is my favourite boy?" he scooped scorpius into his arms.

"hi papa," it was like staring into a carbon copy of himself. scorpius had everything he could have gotten from draco. the only thing he got from his mother was her personality.

he was so much like draco that he was also a diehard mommy's boy. "mama," he wiggled in his father's arms, making grabby hands at his mother.

"give me a second to get up love," scarlett was very much pregnant. 3 weeks past her due date actually. she really shouldn't have been on the floor the way she was.

"you should be sitting down there, love," draco set scorpius down to help scarlett off the floor.

"i know," she cast a sad look down at scorpius before returning her gaze to draco, "but i feel bad. he hasn't had a lot of time with us as an only child and i don't want him to feel like we're casting him aside."

"he's had 4 years. plus he is excited for a sibling, red. aren't you, scorp?"

their son's whole face lit up, and he moved to press his face into scarlett's bump, "i want a brother."

"well we don't know if you'll get a brother or a sister," scarlett ran her fingers through his soft hair.

the decision to not find out the gender was easy. scorpius was adamant that he was getting a brother but scarlett thought differently. scarlett and draco figured he couldn't be upset if he got a sister if he saw her.

scorpius just grumbled into scarlett's belly.

"you'll love them no matter what."


scarlettmalfoy posted

scarlettmalfoy posted

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just yours, draco malfoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora