Distract me

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~Only in the darkness can we see the stars~

  Leo smiled again for the third time, only then did he realize he has been smiling too much at the memory, why was did it feel so good and yet so wrong? He thought

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  Leo smiled again for the third time, only then did he realize he has been smiling too much at the memory, why was did it feel so good and yet so wrong? He thought.

In order to distract himself, Leo got up going over to be meet Aries and Sagittarius, their bickering is always distracting whenever he has a disturbing thought.

Normally he'd be thinking about his father and how to prove his worth to him, but this time it was a different thought and he hated it.

"This morning I was trying to make an omelette. . ."

"And the kitchen caught on fire?" Aries interjected Sagittarius's sentence, chewing on a potato chip.

"What? I can cook, fuck you mean?" Sagittarius got offended by his word.

"Sure and pigs are blue" Aries countered, shrugging carelessly.

They continued to argue, this was the perfect distraction Leo needed.

"You two should just date already" Leo walked out of the kitchen, a chill soda in his hand. "I know you love each other'' he added before taking a sip of his drink.

"What? Ew!" Sagittarius sneered, hiding her rosy cheeks.

Leo chuckled inwardly sitting next to Aries who was laughing. And that was no other time for the person in his thoughts to pass by.

"I promise Cap, it'll be fun" Taurus beamed, pulling the grudging grump outside. "You won't regret it" she put in.

"What if I get dirty?" Capricorn mused, trying to avoid the fun day Taurus had planned.

"Simple, don't get dirty" Virgo who was behind them, advised.

Leo watched as the students of Terra high  walked passed them, taking his attention off Aries and Sagittarius.
"Dude, don't tell me you were just staring at them?" Aries snapped his finger, calling Leo's attention.

"No, I was just thinking about something" Leo adjusted in his seat, trying to find the comfort he had lost.


"We've been working hard, we deserve a break" Taurus smiled, lying down on mat, she crossed her arms behind her head, staring at the sky. "Ah! Isn't this nice?" She turned her head to Capricorn who was still standing arms crossed.

"Sorry Cap, I'm with Taurus on this one" Virgo said, joining Taurus. "Beside, the weather is absolutely lovely" he traced his finger, pointing at the thick white fluffy clouds.

Capricorn looked up and sighed. "What if it rains?"

"Quit being a pessimist and join us, dammit" Taurus seethed.

"Okay, fine"


"See, Terra high beat us to it" Aquarius whined, complaining to Libra, with a scowl on her face.

"I couldn't find my sun block, its not my fault" Libra defended, raising her hand in surrender.

"There are plenty of spots here" Gemini looked around, his eyes fixed on the far end, under an oak tree. "Like there" he pointed.

"Cool! We can also climb the tree"

"Aquarius, what if you fall?"

"Sorry Libra, I'm with Aquarius on this one"

"You're always with Aquarius" Libra wailed, walking behind her running teammates.


Cancer watched the two groups laugh amongst themselves from the balcony. "I wonder if Taurus wouldn't mind having me around" She mused, tapping a finger on her cheek. "But she's with her team, hummm" Cancer hummed.

"Hey Cancer!" Pisces called, smiling at the unsuspecting girl. "Wanna go on a walk? its nice outside" he asked, fidgeting with his brown hair.

Cancer looked down again, she averted her eyes to Pisces and nodded. "Sure, I mean why not?" She returned the smile.

The two were on their way out when Scorpio opened the door. His black hair was messy and his face was dazed.

"Did you just wake up? Cancer prodded after examining his looks.

"Maybe" Scorpio shrugged, his lazy expression got replace with a serious one as he asked. "And where are you going?"

"Relax! She's just going on a walk with me" Pisces assured, his light Scottish accent beaming, his grip on Cancer tightened.

Scorpio noticed it and shrugged it off, he was too hazy for this. "Okay whatever" he put out, before going back in.

"Well he's extra cheerful today" Pisces grinned like a Cheshire cat.

I'm so excited for the next challenge!

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment your thoughts
I love reading them

Have a great day/night, Cya 💙

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