I Scared Them Away

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   Ollie and I were doing pretty well. The rest of the week went pretty smoothly. I taught him how to start a fire and to always keep it small so no one can see it unless they're close. I taught him how to tell if plants or bugs are poisonous. I taught him what plants he can use to repel bugs. I taught him to track a little bit and I also taught him how a gun and knife work. Eventually, i'll show him how to use them correctly.

He was currently sitting on the hood of the truck, his fingers covered in peanut butter.

The sun was up and shining through the tree's where we were sanctioned. The breeze was cooling and the leaves were starting to fall.

He finished eating so I poured some water on his hands and gave him a rag to wipe them, "We should probably start driving here soon, then we can find somewhere else before dark."


I packed up everything in the truck and buckled Ollie and his teddy bear in the passenger seat. We started to drive and rolled down the windows since it was such a beautiful day. We both set our arm out the window to feel the breeze.

The car battery suddenly decided to die, ruining our relaxing driving montage. I pulled to the side of the road, "Why are we stopping?"

"The battery died we're going to have to walk." I grabbed my bag from under his feet.

He opened the door and waited for me to let him down since it was so high up that even I had a hard time getting out without falling.

I set him on the ground and we went into the woods and followed the road from a distance, "When your not in a car, stay off the roads because your easy to see on the road."

"Okay," he nodded. This kid is the fastest learner ever, he soaks up all the knowledge like a sponge.

After walking for a while we found an abandoned car with moss all over it. The sun was setting and the timing couldn't be more perfect.

"Let's get some rest, we have a long day of walking tomorrow."

I yanked the rusted car door open and let him into the back seat and sat with him. I drank some water and gave him some.

"My mommy used to sing me a song and rub my head when I wasn't tired, can you?" The last time I sang was "Can't touch this" and it was to distract walkers away from a grocery store. But i'll give it a shot.

"What song?"

"Any song," he took off his jacket and set it on my lap like a pillow, laying his head down. I pet his head like I saw his mom do a lot in the short span of meeting her.

"Okay," I took a deep breath and sang bright lights softly to him; a song i used to sing with my mom. His eyes closed and by the end of the song his breathing was heavy and he was sleeping soundlessly.

It got dark and I sat in silence, thinking to myself.

Maybe someday we could find a permanent home, a safe one, just like my dad said. He can grow up and I can teach everything I can. We could grow crops and have fences.

It scares me when I start to dream.

The next day

My eyes opened as soon as the sun was dawning. I opened the door quietly and gently lifted his head off my lap and set him back down softly. He stirred in his sleep and got comfortable again.

At least I slept for about an hour or two. Could be worse, could be better.

I sat on the ground and started to sharpen my knife when I saw a squirrel climbing up a tree slowly. I got on one knee quietly and threw my knife slightly above it as it ran and it was a straight bulls eye. I fist pumped the air in victory.

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