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A brief note before reading
This book is based on two realms: the human realm and the supernatural realm.
The modern is mixed with the historical.
I can't believe I'm writing a book without a prologue.
Chapter 1
Every day was the same thing to her—no changes, no addition or subtraction, just stagnant like the drainage. She sighed, getting up from the bed reluctantly and tossing her blanket to the other side before picking up her dirtied clothes on the floor and putting them in the laundry basket.
Saturdays were always for resting for both workers and students because it was the end of the week, but for someone like her, it was like a Monday morning where she had to wake up early in the morning and do the house chores before going to work.
She stretched her body and did her normal routine of cleaning her room before going to the bathroom to bathe. She looked in the mirror and saw the dye was already fading. She applied another black dye before brushing her teeth and quickly taking a few minutes to shower. She mustn't be late to the bus stop, or else she would miss the early morning bus and have to trek.
She wore faded blue jeans with a big sweatshirt, then wrapped her hair in a ponytail before putting on her face cap. She jogged down the stairs, seeing her foster mom watching TV with her sons. She mumbled a good morning to them before stealing a pancake from the table and running out quickly.
I'll come back for my punishment. She shrugged her shoulders, going to the bus station. She took out her earpiece, connected it with her phone, and played the soundtrack. She arrived at the bus stop station early and was lucky to have a seat instead of standing as usual.
She reached her workplace—the music industry. well... She wasn't an upcoming or famous musician but was only a janitor in the industry. It was hard for her to get the job through her high school certificate, but she was lucky to land it, and the pay was quite good. She has just been offered admission to the university, but money... 
She noticed that there were some new faces, and the company was more crowded than normal. She didn't notice if there would be a show today when she passed by the information board. She ducked her head low, using her face cap to cover her face. 
According to her contract, she mustn't be seen by people, especially hormonal singers. If she mistakenly caught one of their eyes, the manager said she would be fired, and, oh boy, the pay was so good to dare the contract.
She swiftly went to the staff locker and took her apron and a nose mask before taking the back elevator to clean the first floor—the main office.
As a worker in the industry, she was required to be deaf, blind, and mute. As the elevator arrived on the first floor, she started her work, cleaning the manager's office with the studio room. When she heard noises coming from outside, she panicked, dropping the glass she was holding, and everything shattered into pieces.
Oh, God! Today wasn't her day. She mentally screamed, remembering she hit her left foot with the bed edge, quickly packing the glasses as the door was opened. 
The noises stopped at once, and she could feel their stares on her, making her fiddle with the tip of her top. "What are you still doing?!" She heard the angry voice of the manager, and she nearly fainted. The man had a loud voice that could make someone pee.
She wasn't to be told twice before she ran out, almost tripping, but was caught by an ice-cold hand, which she quickly yanked away and ran to the elevator.
"Miss," she heard someone calling after her but didn't turn; she was deaf at work, so she pretended she didn't hear. As the elevator door was closing, a black stick stuck in between the door, stopping the elevator from closing, and a man entered. 
"Miss," the voice said again, yet she didn't raise her head, thinking that if she didn't respond, the stranger would be annoyed and leave her alone.
"I'm Roshan, the newest member." The man's voice was cool and crispy, like the sound of rain in the night, and she shivered. 
The stranger, Roshan, stood behind her, and she could feel the warmth emitted from him, and his scent or cologne reminded her of a deep sea breeze, which made her inhale loudly, closing her eyes. 
She leaned a little closer to him. It felt like her brain was trying to imprint the scent in her head, and her eyes momentarily flew open when she felt a cold hand raising her head.
Woah, her mouth was wide open in awe, and the man in front of her was the type of man described in all her fantasy book collections. 
He has deep blue, clear eyes, and the fringe of his blue hair falls on his well-proportioned face. His nose was perfectly sharp as his long, thick eyelashes fanned his face, but damn, the cocky smirk on his face pulled her from her thoughts.
This was the first time she had seen a man as beautiful as him. His smooth, blemish-free, flawless porcelain white skin was like the description of the Romanian gods. 
A deep red covered her face, neck, and ears, making her lower her head embarrassingly. She was caught staring at the sculpture in front of her.
His hand never left her face; she could feel the softness of his palm and the coldness seeping into her face. And unexpectedly, the elevator shook, making her lose a footing, and she immediately collided with his hard, firm chest, her head resting on the chest, feeling the rigorous beating of the man's heart synchronized with hers. 
She glanced at him and saw him frozen in status, and she quickly detached herself from his embrace, murmuring a quick apology.
She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself and mentally patting her chest to stop beating like the talking drum, but it was impossible because the elevator shook again, and this time, she didn't meet with his firm, graceful chest but with his soft, luscious lips. 
Her eyes were firmly closed in shock as she held the collar of his jacket like a second skin. She gingerly fluttered her eyes open, making her eyes drown in the deep sea of his eyes, which were wide open. She gulped awkwardly, pushing him away hard before she glared at him. 
She raised her hand and descended a hot slap on his white skin while he looked dumbfounded; his face looked comical. 
Her hand stung painfully, tears brimming in her eyes; she lost her first kiss; she has been preserving it not only in the elevator but with a total godly stranger. 
At that moment, the elevator ding, and she ran out but turned back and stared at him one more time, trying to take a last glance and imprint in her mind because that would be the last time she would see him, and a lone tear fell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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