Sick Aiden

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willowisaretard this is you request :3

Hope you like it

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Aiden and James had fallen asleep together again on the bed after watching a boring comedy. The alarm clock starts to ring, the deafening noise wakes them both up, it was James who turned it off even though he loved that aiden did it since he was closer

《Wake up, buddy, we have a lot to do today》

Aiden moans in discomfort, he was pale and his eyes were slightly red. James didn't notice it immediately so he decided to shake him to get him up

《Stop James》

He said in a weak voice and with his eyes still closed, James stopped him and looked at his face

《You're pale, are you okay?》
《I do not know...》

James put a hand on his forehead to see if it was warm

《you burn, I think you have a fever》
《I don't know》
《Did you had cold yesterday?》
《Yesterday I was cold but I didn't have any sweatshirt so...》
《You are the usual careless, I had offered you my sweatshirt》
《well,  I'm going to get the thermometer》

James got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get a laser thermometer. As soon as she got back to Aiden she stroked his hair softly before pointing the thermometer at him

《38.2. apparently you will be in bed today》
《What?! NONONO I'm fine I'm fine Don't worry》

Aiden quickly took off the blanket and got out of bed but James stopped him by grabbing him by the waist, he knew Aiden had been waiting for a week to do that thing they had planned for that day, but he also knew that looking like this he couldn't go anywhere. Gently put him back on the bed and sat next to him

《you have a fever and you have to stay in bed. I'm sorry, I know you've been waiting for a week to go》
《But that's not right! I don't want to be home alone all day》
《But you won't be alone》
《Of course? Didn't you have to go to that convention to meet your idols?》
《Aren't you crazy?! I can't leave you alone if you're sick》
《I'm not a child》
《Yes you are 》
《Anyway we're just friends so I don't see why you have to worry so much about me 》
《You are my…best friend, of course I worry about you. Anyway now put your head on the pillow and sleep you need it》

Aidan turned completely towards him and lay down on the mattress taking James' arm and hugging him to make him understand that at least he wanted him to be there next to him.

《Then you want me near you》
《No it is not true》
《but if you're holding my arm》
《shut up》

James gave a small laugh and lay down next to him. He placed his hands on his hips and his chest under Aiden's head

《you should stop pillowing me with those huge your boobs 》
《admit you like it》
《Shut up》

Time jump to 1:30 :D

James woke up and got out of bed gently pulling his arm away from Aiden's grip so as not to wake him up. She looked at the time of day and decided to go get something to eat, he had a simple breaded steak while Aiden had cooked vegetables; even if he already imagined his reaction. Aiden hates vegetables, so it would have been a challenge to feed them to him.

《it's ready》
《what is this smell?》
《your lunch》
《Oh God no please》
《Instead Yes! nice cooked vegetables that are very good for health! 》
《I hate you You are the worst person I have ever met in my entire life》
《Thank you! I love you too 》
《come on please they make me sick 》
《you have to eat them if you want to heal 》

After about a half hour of convincing him to eat his vegetables any way he could, Aiden finally ate his lunch and took some Tachipirine after which he went back to sleep while James got to work doing some household chores.

Another time jump at 4:30

The fever had dropped to 37.5 and Aiden began to get out of bed and do some things. James would have preferred him to stay in bed but he insisted so much because his legs were starting to hurt from lying down for almost 12 hours.

They spent the afternoon talking and doing something together until evening came

《What are we going to eat tonight?》
《you will surely eat a broth》
《Excuse me? but did you see me? I don't feel like I'm 60》
《Don't be the usual whiny child and suffer in silence》
《and if I drink a cup of milk?》
《No. you have to get well by tomorrow understand?》
《You're an asshole》
《Come on, if he's a good boy, we'll take a bath together afterwards》
《but I don't want to take a bath with you》
《I want it hahahaha 》
《Do I have to remind you once again that we are nothing but friends?》
《You only say that because you are passive》
《in my opinion you are the one with boobs》
《And you were a woman before 》

The two boys giggled and after a dinner with Aiden's complaints and a nice bath together ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ they lay down on the couch hugging each other watching Netfilx in total relaxation

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This is my longest chapter, I hope there are no mistakes

Then let me know if you like it

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