Chapter 1

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"Kay. See you at school tomorrow," Fionnuala said into her phone. "What time? Uh, does 5 work for you? I have another stop to make before heading over. It does? Great! See you tomorrow!"

Stiles poked his head into her room. "Hey, Fi. I'm heading out."

She looked up. "Wouldn't have anything to do with Dad leaving 5 minutes ago, does it?"

"I never said that. You wanna come?"

"Stiles, tomorrow is the first day of school. Don't you think you should be getting some sleep?"

"Okay, you're not my mom. I'll be getting some sleep."

"Don't blame me if you fall asleep in class tomorrow."

"You know, I don't like it that you're gonna be in the same year as me this semester."

"Well, maybe you should've done summer school too."

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Fine. Be boring and get a good night's sleep."

"I will, thank you."


Stiles fell back in the leaves as a deputy sheriff shone a light in his face.

"Stand down. This one's mine." Sheriff Stilinski stepped forward. "What are you doing here, Stiles? Are you listening in on all my phone calls?"

"No, not the boring ones."

"Where's Scott and Fionnuala?"

"Sleeping. They both want to get a good night's sleep before school tomorrow."

"And if I call your sister and have her turn on face time, she will be showing me her bedroom?"


"Fantastic." Sheriff Stilinski picked up his phone and dialed his daughter's number. It rang a couple times before her sleepy voice answered.


"Hey, Fion."

"Hey, Dad."

"Do you mind putting me on face time real quick and showing me where you are at the moment?"

"Sure, no problem."

The sheriff looked at his phone as soon as his daughter turned on face time.

"I'm currently in my bed. There's my dresser. And I'm not about to turn on my lamp."

"That's okay, sweetie. You get some sleep. Big day tomorrow, huh?"

"Yeah, Stiles isn't too thrilled that I'm in the same year as him."

"I'll bet he isn't. By the way, do you know where he is?"

"He told me he was going somewhere, but refused to tell me where. Is he disrupting your work?"

"Are you listening in on my phone calls too?"

"No, Dad. I just know that when you leave the house late at night, it's gotta be pretty serious. Stiles doesn't know the meaning of privacy."

"You got that right."

"Hey! I'm right here!"

"Anyways, you now know where I am. Is it okay if I go back to sleep now?"

"Yeah, sure thing. Make Dad proud tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah. By the way, I'm going over to Lydia's house tomorrow around 5ish for a study group. But I'm not going home before that. I'm gonna be somewhere else."

"Alright. That's fine. Love you lots, hon."

"Seriously, Fi? A study group at the very beginning of the semester?"

"Yes, Stiles. And considering how last semester went for you and Scott, I suggest finding a study group."  With that, she hung up, leaving Stiles speechless.

"Your sister's right," Sheriff Stilinski said. "So I suggest you get on home to bed."

Stiles huffed and left.

Welp, there's Chapter 1. Hope you guys enjoyed it! 

Forbidden Hidden Love (Teen Wolf)(Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora