Chapter 9

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About an hour later, Derek dropped Fionnuala off at the end of her street, giving her a kiss before she got out of the car.

"Goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," she replied with a smile before getting out and walking down the street.

As soon as she stepped inside, Stiles ran up to her.

"Dad got pizza for dinner! He got takeout, Fi!"

"Yeah, I know. Even though we're trying to eat the leftovers!" she yelled the last part so that her father could hear her.

"Come sit down and hear me out real quick. Because I was talking with Tara before I left work and we came up with a really good plan. An even better one than what you have at the moment, Fion."


"Grab some pizza and sit down."

Fionnuala and Stiles obeyed and sat across from their father, ready to listen.

"Fion, Tara proposed something to me and I think it's a really good idea. She offered, I didn't ask, to bring a homemade meal over twice a week. That way we could do a takeout dinner once a week and the rest of the week you choose what we eat. Are you okay with this plan?"

"As long as the takeout dinner isn't expensive and Tara gets to eat dinner with us when she brings it over."

"Deal. I'm sure she wouldn't object to eating dinner with the Stilinski family."

"Fun fact, Dad. I object to eating dinner with the Stilinski family. I'm just willing to put her through the torture as well. I need someone to share my suffering."

"What's so horrible about eating dinner with us?" Stiles asked, his mouth full.

"Stiles." Fionnuala glared at him. "Are you really asking me that question? I spend my dinners, rather unluckily may I add, with one barbarian, sometimes two. I need another female. It would make these dinners more - bearable."

"Hey!" both males at the table said indignantly at the same time with pizza still in their mouths.

"You know, I wish I hadn't finished all my homework at school today. That way, you two could continue being barbarians while I finished my dinner in peace in my room with my school books."

"You know, that kinda hurts. You'd rather spend time with your books than with your family?" Stiles replied.

"Oh, don't you get started," Fionnuala said. "Who spent all summer with Scott?"

"Who spent all summer at summer school?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"It has to do with everything! If you hadn't been in summer school, I wouldn't have had to hang out with Scott all summer!"

"Are you seriously saying you'd much rather spend time with me than your best friend?"

"No. But I could've spent an equal amount of time with both of you. But you insisted on doing summer school!"

"And there's nothing wrong with that! Summer school taught me how to keep my grades high. Which, again, probably would've done you some good."

"Dad, help me out here!"

"Oh no. I'm not saying anything other than, 'You made your bed. Now lie in it'."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You've got to learn to accept the consequences of your actions. Well, I guess in saying that, I'm saying I agree with your sister. You just barely managed to pass freshman year. Both you and Scott. You want me to help you out? I suggest you focus on your grades this semester." He stood up and stretched. "Join a study group. That should help."

"I tried. Fi won't let me join hers."

"Because that's her study group. Make one of your own. Anyways, I'm off to bed. Stiles, you're on dish duty. I suggest you both get a good night's sleep tonight. The beginning of the school semester is probably when you're gonna get the most sleep. Make the most of it."

"Night, Dad."

"Goodnight, Fion. Both of you sleep well."

Stiles stared at his sister. "Dad used to side with me, you know. Before the whole summer school thing and you setting such high standards."

"Dad used to side with you before I was around. And I'm not trying to set high standards for you, Stiles, or turn him against you. I know that's what it looks like, but that's not my aim. I'm setting high standards for myself. I'm not aiming for you to meet them. But I just want you to do better. I want you to get into a good college."

"Oh, there's the whole 'Mom' thing again."

"Stiles, I'm being serious."

"I understand, Fi. I appreciate it."

"Really? Because it really doesn't feel like it."

"Now that you've explained it, I do. I thought you did the whole summer school to rub it in my face that you passed freshman year with flying colors and I just barely managed to. I know my grades haven't been the best. I'll try this semester. I promise."

"In that case, how about I help you study for an hour after dinner or even during dinner, depending on if Dad joins us or not."

"Every day?"

"Well, we could start out with a couple days each week and see how that works. If it doesn't, we could bump it up to three or four. But I'm okay with every day."

"Sure. I'm okay with that."

"Alright. So what will it be?"

"An hour every day sounds bearable."

"Great. How about tonight after I help you with dishes?"


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