020: good morning

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— chapter twenty

london, england

YELLOW BEAMS OF LIGHT SPILLED IN THROUGH THE GAP IN THE CURTAINS. juniper stirred as they directly hit her face. a small shiver travelled down her body when a cool breeze swept through the room reminding her of her bare skin exposed to the air.

she pulled the blanket up, holding it close to her chest, but struggled slightly trying to get it out of a certain brunette's grasp.

delicate fingers trailing her bare back captured juniper's attention. she turned to face the man in question, he squinted with a dazed smile on his lips before pulling the girl beside him closer.

juniper let out a soft giggle when lando snuggled his head into her shoulder, she placed a hand on his cheek brushing his skin with her thumb. juni felt lando's steady breathing against her neck. then some gentle kisses against her shoulder, neck and collarbone.

"good morning," juniper whispered, her voice was extra raspy in the morning.

lando kissed harder when he found the brunette's sweet spot, biting down on the sensitive skin and inciting soft whimpers from the girl.

a few more kisses and he pulled away, now looking at the girl that lay in his arms. "good morning, love."

juniper leaned in to press her lips against lando's, he smiled and pulled her on top of himself so she straddled his waist. he pulled the blanket over their heads hiding them away from the world outside.

"as much as i want stay like this, i need to leave." juniper pecked lando's frown before shifting out from under the sheets.

"what? why?"

"i have an early recording session at the studio." the singer got giddy at the thought of being back in the studio.

lando pushed himself up on his elbows, watching juniper as she picked up her panties and bra. the singer winked back at the boy who's eyes wouldn't dare leave her.

juniper pulled on her undergarments before grabbing a LN4 shirt from the driver's closet and pulling it over her head.

"pancakes for breakfast?" she yelled out while exiting the room.

"yes! i'm coming." lando laughed and jumped out of bed scurrying after her.

junidelgado posted a story

junidelgado                                                            10m

junidelgado                                                            10m

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ik ik robbed 🙄🙄🙄 also this is the end of part 1 of the story wow 😭😭 there's gonna be a small break before part 2 but i'm excited :) thank you guys so much for all the love on this book 🫶🫶

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐒, lando norrisWhere stories live. Discover now