Chapter 45: Compiling Textbooks

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   Several girls were lying on the bed at night, and the third sister kept telling the fourth sister: "After I go to the factory, you have to take good care of the fifth and sixth sisters. Don't come to Guoxing if you have nothing to do. Just listen to what your parents say. Don't confront them, let's just make up our own minds."

Now that the fourth sister is not yet fourteen, no matter how anxious Xiao's father and Xiao's mother are, they won't be looking for a marriage for her right now. Let's work hard, anyway, the sisters have suffered so much for so many years, and with her salary in the future, no matter how much they raise their sisters, they won't be able to live harder than before.

This year's harvest is bumper, and Xiao's father and Xiao's mother will not starve to death a few younger sisters. As for the others, with the temperament of the younger sisters, I don't worry too much.

Thinking of this, Sanmei Xiao let go of her worries.

The fourth sister nodded: "Don't worry, third sister, no matter how partial your parents are to Guoxing, we will just pretend that we didn't see it. Now that you go to the county, they can't force you to marry the person they choose. What else are you afraid of?" !"

Fifth Sister laughed.

After listening to the words of the older sisters, Sixth Sister suddenly whispered: "Sister, when you have money, can you buy me a piece of candy, just one, and I will taste it." The little girl seemed very embarrassed After speaking, he buried his head in the pillow.

The third sister felt sour: "Buy, I will buy you a pack when the time comes." All the good things in the house belong to Xiao Guoxing, and the sixth sister is only more than one year older than Xiao Guoxing. Seeing Xiao Guoxing eating those good things, she can only Silently drooling beside. "Don't want a pack, one is enough..." 

Sixth Sister hurriedly refused, she knew that it would cost a lot of money to buy candy, otherwise Xiao's mother would not often coax Xiao Guoxing with buying candy. In Liumei's eyes, candy is the best thing, if she can eat one and taste the taste, she will be very satisfied. 

With a longing for sweets, the sixth sister and the fifth and fourth sisters sent the third sister to the entrance of the village the next day. Originally, Xiao's father and Xiao's mother also wanted to come and see off the third sister, but they didn't dare when Wang Wei was around. Wang Wei hadn't settled with them for the last time he filed a lawsuit. They themselves had ghosts in their hearts and were frightened. When they saw Wang Wei, they ran away, for fear that he would remember to make trouble when they saw them.

Wang Wei was carrying a big pannier, which seemed to contain a lot of things, but Xiao Xiao was empty-handed and took nothing.

This time I brought things, and it took me a little longer to get to the county than yesterday.

The third sister went into her own dormitory to resettle, while Wang Wei began to clean the house.

He wiped the bed first, then put the quilt on, let Xiao Xiao sit on the bed by himself, and then began to mop the floor and clean the room.

He is used to doing housework, and it is very easy to do it.

Xiao Xiao sat on the bed dangling his legs, and found it so pleasing to watch Wang Wei doing housework: "Why don't I help sweep the floor." Wang Wei's sweeping appearance is so beautiful.

Wang Wei didn't raise his head: "You'd better sit quietly. After I finish packing, I can go out and buy some things." Asking Xiao Xiao to do it would be a waste of help, and it might be dark.

Xiao Xiao knew that she couldn't argue with her hands-on ability, so she nodded obediently: "Okay then." There was

already a girl living in the third sister's dormitory, and the room was not dirty, so she cleaned up her bed and it was over. .

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