Chapter 14 - The Festival

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---Mara's POV---

Mara lay on her back on the deck, one of the blankets from her room beneath her. Her legs exposed and her dress flowing in the wind beside her. They had been sailing for days, and to be honest, she didn't mind. She had become closer with some of the members of the crew and was starting to feel more comfortable. It was starting to feel like home.

She was also starting to get used to the rolling of the sea at night and was sleeping well. Other than the nights that she lay awake thinking of Nikolai.

She would replay their moments together of that day in her mind. His eyes always making her heartbeat faster. Hearing him in the next room, always sending goosebumps up her arms. He was unlike anyone else that she had ever met. She couldn't help it but want to lean in deeper.

She sighed, the sun shining on her face. The warmth making it feel as if she was being gently baked in an oven of happiness. Suddenly something blocked the sun, and she opened one of her eyes.

"Hey you." Nikolai smiled. His hair a blazing fire of yellow in front of the sun. Mara smiled.

"Hi." She said softly. "What's up?"

"I wanted to see if you'd like to go to port with me for the afternoon." He said shifting his weight and putting his hands on his belt. "I just need to grab a few things. We will arrive in about an hour."

She sat up quickly, grinning. "I would love to!" She said excitedly. He smiled wider, offering her his hand. Mara took it and he pulled her up, slipping his other hand around her waist softly.

"Good answer." He smirked.

---Later that Afternoon---

"Oh my gosh," She exclaimed. "It's so beautiful!" She said, practically leaning over the side of the ship, her eyes wide open. They were approaching port and she could see hundreds of pink and orange tents lining the shoreline. The smell of flowers and sugared breads sweeping over the sea and meeting her nose. There were so many people, and every tent was filled with sparkling things.

Nikolai laughed, coming down the stairs and standing beside her.

"It must be the Spring Festival. What luck, you're going to love this." He smiled. He looked just as excited as she was feeling.

"Have you been before?" Mara asked.

"Oh yes, many times." He replied, looking over the scenery. Rolling green hills lay beyond the cute town of white houses and tan rooves. She looked from the shore to Nikolai, his side profile was incredibly handsome, and her heart quickened.

He was keeping his promise, he was showing her the world. Even if it was just for the afternoon. She waited to respond for a moment, then shook her head and just smiled. Enjoying being near him as they sailed to shore.

"We have reached the harbor!" Dogan said loudly above them. "Ready for anchoring!"

Nikolai grabbed her hand, pulling her to the other side of the ship. He took off his coat and threw it on the floor. Throwing his leg over the side of the rail and climbing down the rope ladder, not waiting for the men to put out the ramp. His boots hit heavily on the dock. Then he looked up at her and extended his arms, flashing her a dashing grin.

"Trust me?" He asked.

Mara climbed onto the rail and sat on it, her legs hanging over the side. It was much higher up then she had realized. But she pursed her lips and nodded, pushing off.

His arms caught her smoothly, and his grin only grew as he cradled her against his chest. His cotton shirt warm from the sun. His strength surprising her. He set her down and held his arm out to her to take. She looped her arm through his and they walked down the dock towards the tents.

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