Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Evacuate the dance floor

I’m infected by the sound

Stop this beat it’s killing me

Hey Mr. DJ –


Ugh, I slammed the pillow over my head and tried to block out the sound. Reaching a hand over to the headboard, I searched around for my phone, but it wasn’t there. I opened and eye and looked around at my surroundings, and then I remembered I was at Jake’s house.

Because I was here last night.

After I had a talk with Anthony.

I came in here and I kissed him.

And then…did we do something?

I could barely remember the details, my mind was so foggy. I came in and I kissed him and he kissed me back and we went to his room and then he left and then…

“Oh.” I sat straight up, my eyes wide in horror. “I fell asleep.”

I said it quietly, scared that he was just outside, just close enough so that he could hear me. My cheeks flooded in humiliation.

“Ah that’s so embarrassing!” I cried in utter embarrassment.

The side of the bed beside me was empty and Jake wasn’t anywhere to be seen. My clothes were piled neatly in the chair beside the bed.

Evacuate the dance floor

I’m infected by the sound

Stop this beat it’s killing me

Hey Mr. DJ –


My cell phone rang again and I scurried to find it. Pulling it out of my jacket pocket, I flicked it open.

“Hello?” I said breathlessly.


“Who’s this?”

“It’s Anthony!”

“Oh, hey.”

“Did you just wake up?” Anthony asked, with a teasing tone in his voice.

“Well…” I began.

“Oh my god, you did just wake up! So, how was he?” he said.

“It’s kind of a long story,” I told him, not knowing how to explain that I actually fell asleep instead of you know.

“Okay, why don’t you tell me later?” he suggested.

Hurriedly putting on the rest of my clothes, I nodded in agreement – even though he couldn’t see me. “Yeah sure. Why don’t you come by my office at…what time is it now?”

“Almost 9.”

I groaned silently. “I’m late. Okay, but come by at 11, if you can.”

“Wanna grab lunch after?” he asked.

I paused, not knowing what to answer. Though I appreciated Anthony, now knowing the truth, or at least his part of the truth, I wasn’t too comfortable around him yet. I mean, he did act threatening around me and I’m not too sure if I got over that yet.

“We’ll – uh, we’ll decide later,” I said finally.

“Alright. I’ll see you later!” Anthony said. Then, the line went dead.

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