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♪ Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home ♪

Carlos Sainz POV

Time went by too quickly. I saw my little boy at any chance. Maya came to the races that were closer and I went home when there were two weeks between races. It was working well and now we are in London, having dinner with Lando, Luisa, Oliver, and Savannah. While Mila and Mateo just remained calm. We had come on Wednesday so we could spend the day with them. It was good, having someone with a kid of similar age was helpful.

"You look so in love, she got you good" Oliver says when we went outside to get some fresh air while the girls were talking about something before coming.

"Oh, I am completely head over heels. She is the one, I know it for sure" I say sitting on the chair they had outside and we laugh.

"When I saw you last year I already knew it. You didn't look at her how you looked at Isabel. You were on the clouds, you always looked for her in the crowd, that was all I needed to know. She is good for you" Lando says proudly and I smile.

"Now with Luisa I think you are one to talk. She gave me all that I didn't know I needed and I am thankful for everything she has done. Having a baby isn't easy but she is doing it. She supports my career, she supports every single thing and I can't believe I have it all. Moving on never felt so good" I say almost gushing, I knew I was completely crazy about her, and every day it seemed more reasonable to think that.

"Marry her already, you are already living the married life" Lando says giving me a pat on the back and I nod, bringing the beer to my lips as I see Maya coming with Savannah, the little ones are clearly still sleeping.

"Can we join?" Maya asks teasingly and I just nod seeing her sitting on the chair by my side, I rest my hand on my thigh and she just smiles.

"You two are the cutest" Luisa says with a huge smile.

"We are all the cutest, happy people tend to be like that" Savannah says making us all laugh.

The day was good. We left two hours later, and Mateo was still asleep when we got to the hotel. The next few days were followed by the craziness of the weekend. She was there every step of the way. Everyone made space for her to go through because everyone knew she carried Mateo around the paddock. She was part of the paddock already, fans adored her, the staff adored her, and the drivers too. And I love her. She is my family, she and the little guy that every day gets more similar to us.

Everything seemed to be looking good for me. I got pole position in qualifying. I couldn't be happier about it and then I won. I fucking won! For the first time. It's my first win in Formula 1 and everyone I love is here to watch it. Maya and Mateo, my parents, my sisters. Everyone came today and I finally did it. As soon as I got out of the car I looked for her, she wouldn't normally come because of Mateo but she did, she had a lot of space around her while she held my boy in her arms, and the team made a point to keep her isolated.

"You did it baby!" She says proudly as I ran to her after taking my helmet off, I kissed her with all the thrill in my body, I was on the clouds. I picked my son up and kissed his forehead.

"This all I could ask for" I say to her while I hand Mateo to her and she smile.

"Te amo. I knew you would do it sooner than later" She says calmly and I proceed to hug my team.

I made the interviews and I was finally on the podium holding the trophy and looked at all that mattered at that moment right in front of me. Them. They were all that mattered. As soon as I got into the motorhome my family hugged me and I saw Maya on the couch talking to Charles while he held Mateo.

"Today was something else" I say getting closer to them a few minutes later.

"I said it once and I will say it again. Congratulations mate, you deserved it more than anyone else" Charles says happily.

"Let me pick the little one up" I say taking Mateo from his arms and the little one giggles as soon as he settles in my arms.

"I will leave you two to it" Charles says getting up and leaving.

"You were amazing" Maya says proudly and I smile.

"I can't believe this happened but I am glad you were here to witness it live" I say kissing her and I see my family approaching.

"You got quite the screamer. She almost blew everyone's ear off when you won" Caco says laughing and I look at Maya who innocently shrugs.

"I did what I had to do. My man just won a race, I had the right to scream" She says with zero regrets in her voice and now I was proud of her and myself.

"That's my girl" I say kissing her forehead while she looked up at me from the couch.

"We are all very proud of you so it's time to have a big dinner to celebrate your first win" My dad says and I nod.

"Let me just go to the hotel and take a quick shower. The team has cleared me to leave already" I say and everyone nods.

I signed a lot of things and took a lot of pictures with fans before we could finally leave. And I could tell you the dinner was crazy. Mateo fell asleep in the middle and we had fun, the person watching him would rotate so nobody would get distracted. When it calmed I looked around and smiled. This is what family should always be like.

Maya had the girls on a video call, they were ecstatic and told me how proud they were. I think they almost got a noise complaint from screaming when I won but they also were pretty sure it would be completely worth it. Maya was leaning on my chest and I kissed the top of her hair smelling the shampoo she always wore, I loved it. And I loved her, more than I could ever explain to anyone.

Moving On ✩ Carlos Sainz JrWhere stories live. Discover now