Chapter 14: Part of the Ship, Part of the Crew

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Jack and Davy Jones were still battling on the boom of the Dutchman.

"You can do nothing without the key!" Hones told him.

"I already have the key." Jack replied.

Jones looked from side to side, then held up the key with a tentacle. "No you don't."

Jack smiled sheepishly. "Oh, that key."

Jack blocked Jones' attack and sliced off the tentacle that had the key, causing it to fall onto the deck.

Jones screamed in pain, which distracted him enough for Jack to disarm him, and hit him in the face with the chest. He went to swing again, but Jones caught his sword in his crab claw, and broke it.

The Black Pearl and the Dutchman came closer and closer until their masts crashed into each other. The force made Jack fall off the mast, taking the chest with him.

"No!" Jones bent down and grabbed the chest, with Jack holding onto the other end.

Davy Jones lifted the chest up and flung Jack into the air. Jack fell for a moment, until he grabbed onto a rope that another crewmen was swinging on.

Jack looked at the crewmen, then down at his belt. "Oi. My pistol." Jack took his pistol back and bonked the crewmen on the head with it.

The crewmen fell off, and as Jack swung by Davy Jones, he fired the pistol at his hand, and he yelped and dropped the chest.

Will swung over to the deck of the Flying Dutchman and noticed the chest on the ground and grabbed it. He went to run off, but ran into the Hammerhead.

"Turner!" He growled.

He swung his sword at Will, who blocked it with the chest.

Suddenly, Jack the monkey was fired out of the cannon and onto Hammerhead's face.

"Thank you Jack."

Will ran up to the wheel, with the chest, and came face to face with his father, who punched him in the face, making him drop the chest.

Will has no choice but to fight his father, but he kept yelling at him to stop. "It's me! Stop! It's Will, you're son!"

Bootstrap didn't listen. He grabbed Will and threw him against the wall.


Davy Jones marched towards the chest, and was about to grab it, when Jack landed right in front of him. He drew his sword, only to remember that it was broken.

Jack's smile fell and Jones laughed and began to chase after him. Jack ran to the crank, and Jones was on the other side. They darted back and forth, until Jones realized he could walk through the crank.

When he got to the middle, Jack spun the crank, making Jones spin with it. However, when he stopped spinning, he was facing Jack, and he screamed in his face.

Jack yelled in fear and started running away, with Jones chasing after him.

Jack tried to fight Jones off with a wooden pole, but Jones broke it, and punched Jack to the ground.

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