The due date

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Alex woke up many hours later and saw the creature sleeping on the floor next to the couch, he stretched and laid down on the floor with the creature feeling lonely. Alex fell back asleep as the creature woke up and held him close.

The creature knew that today Alex would have to go through a painful process of labor, and he would most likely pass onto the afterlife after birth. Alex woke up a few minutes later and held onto the creature wanting his attention, the creature held Alex close and stroked his belly.

(Early labor discomfort/pain)

After a few minutes of the creature stroking Alex's belly, Alex had begun to feel a slight pain in his lower abdomen. He groaned and held his belly as the baby kicked and hit his insides all over, he then started to cry as the pain grew worse.

Alex then started to calm down as the pain faded for awhile, he got up and the creature got up with him as well. Alex brought the creature to his room and they both went onto Alex's bed, Alex was tossing and turning trying to find a comfortable position to sleep.

He moaned in pain from how uncomfortable he was feeling and Alex clenched onto his own belly, the creature saw Alex's discomfort and knew the baby was going to come soon. Lucas heard Alex's moans of discomfort and came in and saw Alex's leaning on the creature and trying to push the baby out, Lucas rushed to get supplies for the baby to come and brought back towels, warm water, scissors, and many baby blankets.

Alex cried harder as he tried to push and the baby wouldn't budge, Alex's pain only grew worse as the contractions grew closer together and soon it felt like a pulsing bruise but worse and all over his abdomen. The creature tried so hard to keep Alex at a calm state but the pain wouldn't stop or fade, Lucas rushed to Alex's side and held his hand.

Lucas told Alex to push when he felt like he needed too and to push hard, Alex sweated and breathed heavily as he got ready to push. When Alex started to push he cried out in pain as he felt the baby move down to his left colon, he cried as the baby stretched his insides out and he continued to push.

After hours of trying to push Alex felt the baby in his rectum, he knew it was about to become more painful. As he breathed and got himself into a safer position and he squeezes his brother's hand and the creature's hand as he pushed hard feeling the baby's head crowning, Alex cried and yelled out in pain as the baby's head felt like it could tear his anus at any moment.

Alex prepared himself for the last few pushes and he cried out harder as he pushed and the baby's head came out, the creature rushed to catch the baby as Alex pushed one more time and soon he heard the cries of his baby.

Alex looked a saw his healthy baby boy, mostly human and had leaves growing on his legs. Alex cried out in joy as he held his baby in his arms and watched as the baby suckled on his nipples for milk, the creature gently stroked the baby's small head and kissed Alex and Lucas watched as they grew happily together.

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