Part 35

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I reached home as soon as a can and saw Jungkook waiting on the door for me with his car keys. "Hey" I said awkwardly.

" hello love" he smiled faintly as he held my hand.
There was complete silence for few minutes , those few minutes were louder then bombs for me and for him too I guess.

I cleared my throat and asked " are you going somewhere" pointing at the keys which he was holding.

He looked at the keys and then looked at me " I um I wanted to take you somewhere" he said ruffling his hair lightly .

" where" I asked in confusion but he didn't reply . Instead of talking any further he just held my hand and took me to the car . Till 15 minutes the car ride was painfully silent so I decided to break the silence " Jungkook how long will it take?" I asked

" just a few minutes." He gave me a smile and again we were surrounded by the silence.

Its not like we didn't want to talk with each other but we were so overwhelmed and emotional that we were not able to speak anything. This happens a lot specially when we know were will not be able to see each other for few days. I just hope I can finish the work as soon as possible . I don't want to be separated from my bunny boy. He his holding the steering so tightly that his knuckles have turned pale although he his smiling I can clearly see his glistening eyes . I wish I could comfort him but I too am feeling the same.

" y/n we're here." He said pointing at a beautiful lake. We come here a lot , how could I not think about it before. A smile formed on my lips looking at the view. So this lake is on the outskirts of the city which is not that far away from where we live. We both were on a road trip when we discovered this lake and got to know that not many people know about this lake soon this place became our hiding spot or stargazing spot. Though here are so many trees in front of of lake the place still looks so open. As we came near the lake I saw a small van decorated with lights and in front of the van there was a mat and three to four pillows.

" how did you manage to do that Bunny" I said turning around to face him

" its just a small gesture to make memories with you before you go" he said looking at me. His eyes are so expressive and so transparent that I could clearly see the galaxy of emotions inside him .

" you don't have to pretend to be strong Jungkook" I said starring in his eyes. I guess that was the cue coz he immediately wrapped his hands around me and burst into tears. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes.
"I wish I could stop you from going" he said hugging me more tightly.

I too started crying with him. Why is this so difficult? " Jungkook-" I was about to say something but he just shushed me and kissed my forehead "I know it's difficult for you too but I never imagined that we would stay away from each other for so long ." He said and started sobbing. Watching him breakdown like this was killing me inside . I have never seen him like this and I never wanted to be the reason for his tears.

"Kookie okay now stop crying . I thought I could handle you but no I can't. I can't see you breaking down like this" I patted his back gently to calm him down when I was not able to gather myself .

After few minutes he calmed down and wiped his tears. He carefully cupped my face with his shivering hands "y/n I wanted to cherish this time with you. Let's  just make this the best night we've spend together till now"

I just looked at him in his eyes and nodded in agreement. We went into the van and sat there silently hugging each other when he spoke " do you know why don't I come home even after finishing the work?" I lifted up my head from his shoulders to look at him .
"I don't know. I wanted to ask you but then I thought that if it was important you would have told me" I simply replied

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