chapter 10

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The way back to the shelter was quite comfortable. Due to the fact that we all can fight, the monsters that came at us were easily delt with.

As we approached the shelter, several people, the head of them is a woman with short hair, ran out to greet Kim Hyunsung.

“Ah, Hyunsung-ssi! Deokgu oppa and Kiyoungie oppa also worked hard. Let us take those for you…”

I could see those guys taking bags from Kim Hyunsungie as though it were only natural.

One man, who seemed to have an injured leg, snuck his hand towards our side as well, so Lee kiyoung shook him off, and said,

“We will carry our bags ourselves.”

“Oh, yes…”

I have already given the bags I found to Kim Hyunsung, but I still have 3 extra bags of food that was in my old shelter.

But even with the 18 bags that Kim Hyunsung is carrying, they still have the guts to get my share of food.

It looks like Lee kiyoung shares my thoughts as he drew a clear line between us and their system of distribution.

Funnily enough, I could clearly see an expression of disapproval on his face.

He seemed to be thinking something along the lines of, ‘Who do you guys even think you are?’

That small expression of his made me smile a little.

'a group of greedy leach without shame.'

Kim Hyunsung was quietly speaking with women who seems in charge, I remember that he called her Lee Jihye.

“This is the food that we obtained from the starting point. I want Jihye-ssi to distribute it amongst the people inside the shelter.”

“Alright! Leave it to me, Hyunsung-ssi. By any chance, were there any survivors…”

“Yes, we met him at the starting point, he helped us get a lot of food as well.”

Saying that he pointed at me, which made the people who were listening cast their glaces at me, but no one approached me expect Lee Jihye.

'it looks like she's the boss when Hyunsung isn't around, she may prove to be useful if she can stand at the top of this people.'

“Hehe. May I know your names?”

“ Ayanokouji kiyotaka.”

“I’m Lee Jihye, nice to meet you. In a moment, I will lead you to a place where you can rest. Are you okay, Hyunsung-ssi?”

“Of course. Please, take care of him, Jihye-ssi.”

“Yes, leave it to me, Hyunsung oppa.”

She clenched her fist in a cute manner, but seeing her earlier reaction when she saw me, plus her smile that didn't reached her eyes, I couldn’t feel any warmth from it.

Seeing how she scanned me, up and down, maybe she was also calculating what role we would I play after joining this place.

“Maybe some of them are still alive nearby. Sooner or later, we’ll have to search that area again.”

“Ah! Right…”

There probably wouldn’t be enough food. Kim Hyunsungie had only brought 18 bags bags.

Thirty people wouldn’t be able to eat their fill after sharing it amongst themselves.

I could still hold out for now, but I was already feeling hungry myself after using magic and killing the monsters.

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