Howell x male!reader

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Requested by an ao3 user

You are Bee's younger brother, and because of this, you are also friends with her friends, especially the Wizard family. You and Howell are childhood friends, you would spend a lot of time together playing together and having sleepovers, and other things kids do.

As you've grown up together, you have gained a bit of a crush on Howell, but you didn't think he would feel that way, let alone like other guys, so you've hid your feelings away from him, as you did not want to go through the rejection and heartbreak of it all, which would hurt a lot more considering you two are childhood friends.

The only one who knows about your little crush, is of course your sister, Bee. Bee has tried in the past to get you two together, but unfortunately has gone unnoticed by Howell, and you end up rather flustered by her efforts, so she decided to stop, mostly because she didn't want to upset you. However, that doesn't mean that she hasn't stopped giving you advice, though!

"You know you can't hide from him forever, Y/n."

"Yes, I am aware of that, but I can try."

"Why are you hiding from him, anyways? Why don't you just tell him how you feel?"

"That's easy for you to say, Bee, considering you've never had a crush like this. We're best friends, and I just... don't want to ruin our friendship."

"But that doesn't mean you should avoid him, you're just going to upset him and you know how he gets when he's upset."

"Unfortunately, I do.." you sighed a bit. "Are you really sure about this, Bee..?"

"Of course I am! When have I ever been wrong?"

"...I'm not going to answer that."

"Wha- hey!" You laughed a bit at this, now running away from your sister.

"I'm not sorry!" You called out before running into your room, closing the door behind you.

Later, you were at the grocery store, grabbing a few things for dinners for the week. Despite Bee not having a kitchen in her apartment, you find a way to make dinner for you two. You were making your way to check out, until you heard a familiar voice.

"Y/n!" You flinched a bit as you knew who it was. You slowly turn to face Howell as he made his way over to you. He... didn't look too happy, but you already knew why. You have been avoiding him, and you knew there wasn't much of a way out of this one without making a scene.

"Hey Howell.." You said a bit nervously, just ready to get out of there.

"Why have you been avoiding me, Y/n? Every time I see you and call out to you, you always run away from me!"

"I'm sorry, Howell.."

"You should be..! I miss you, Y/n. We haven't been hanging out as often as we used to. Do you not like me anymore?"

"What? No! That's not it..!"

"Then what is it?" You were not going to confess in a grocery store of all places, so you told him,

"I'll tell you what.. meet me down by the beach, and I'll tell you there. We can even hang out afterwards. How about that?"

"Alright, but you better be there, Y/n!"

"Don't worry, I will. I promise."

"Good." You rubbed the back of your neck and went to pay for your groceries before heading home. That could have gone a bit better, but you were glad he agreed to meet up with you.

Once you got back, you told Bee about what happened, only because she had gotten a bit worried on what took so long.

"So you're going to finally tell him?" She asked as she helped put things away.

"Yeah, I don't really have much of a choice now. I don't want him to hate me or anything."

"I highly doubt he hates you, Y/n."

"How do you know that?" Bee just shrugged,

"I dunno, maybe it's cause you've been friends since you were kids?"

"If you're so sure.. anyways, let's get some food made."

"Oh heck yeah, I'm starving!" You laughed a bit and got out the ingredients for a chicken pot pie. Of course you're not letting Bee anywhere near this, as you have seen her cooking skills, or rather lack there of.

After dinner, you went down to the beach, and waited for Howell to show up. With each passing moment, you got more and more nervous, thinking to yourself: what if he doesn't actually show up? What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if-?

"Y/n?" A voice called out to you, snapping you back to reality. You looked over as Howell walked up to you.


"So, what's up..? Why did you want to meet up here and not tell me in the grocery store earlier?"

"Yeah, about that.." you rubbed the back of your neck. It was now or never!


"I know we've been childhood friends, Howell.. but I, um.. I have feelings for you. I have for a long time, and I've been afraid to tell you how I really feel!"

"Y/n.." Howell took a moment to process your words. You were about to say something else, but Howell cut you off,

"You should have said something sooner, you goof!" The teal haired male pulled you into a hug, which caught you off guard.


"I feel the same way. I've been wanting to tell you for a while, but you've been avoiding me!"

"I... I'm sorry, Howell."

"It's alright, just.. don't do that again. You had me worried! I thought I did something wrong!" You chuckled a bit and kissed his cheek.

"You did nothing wrong, Howell. I was just.. being paranoid. I didn't think you would feel the same way, or at least, didn't think you liked guys in general."

"Well, I do love you, Y/n. Now come on, it's getting kinda cold out."

"Haha, alright, alright, let's go." You smiled faintly and held his hand as the two of you walked back to his house, partially to get out of the cold, and partially to tell his siblings the good news. You also called Bee and told her the news as well, and she was very happy for you!

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