chapter one ,the meet

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coffee shop
worker: name pls and what can i get you

zac and fatima speak at the same time

Zac: oh sorry no ladies first you can go first.

Fatima: thanks and i will like a frappe and one cookie thanks again..... 

zac: my name is zac and yours

Fatima: fatima but thanks again zac  for letting me order first.

Zac: sure anything for a prety lady like you

worker: what will you like sir?

Zac: same as this pretty lady but make that two cookies and a dark coffee

                            Fatima blushes

Zac: how about we exchange number

Fatima: sure here's my phone

Zac: ill use this numer soon bye fatima.

Fatima: bye zac

Zatima We Will Always Be TogetherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang