Chapter 116

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That finger ring, Zuo Luohuan had been paying close attention to it for a while.

She had watched all the videos about Ren Pingbo that were still available. Ren Pingbo did not have the habit of wearing a finger ring before. When he sat on the sofa in the living room, his unconscious movement of turning the finger ring was not skillful, indicating that he was not used to wearing it and had only recently started wearing it.

A finger ring that he was not used to wearing was enough to draw a little bit of Zuo Luohuan's attention.

When Ren Pingbo moved his fingers and put on the finger ring, she had already noticed it.

It was a compressed ring that concealed a light gun.

If it were someone else, like Zuo Dihong or Ji Xixiu, who faced Ren Pingbo today, even if they noticed the finger ring, they might not be able to avoid the gun. In their minds, Ren Pingbo was not a person who went back on his word. Since he did not use weapons at the beginning, he would not use sneak attacks later.

Unfortunately, the person standing opposite Ren Pingbo today was Zuo Luohuan. She did not have any inherent impression of him, and she did not believe in the gentleman's way herself. She had to win, no matter what method she used.

However, Zuo Luohuan had not reached a dead end yet, but Ren Pingbo had already broken the rules.

Zuo Luohuan's shoulder was hit by the gun, and the bone armor blocked half of the force, but the bullet was embedded in her body.

She did not care. Instead, she propped herself up with her hands and stood up unsteadily.Across from her, Ren Pingbo had already fallen backwards, his face to the sky. Originally, Zuo Luohuan had intended to aim for his forehead, but her hand had veered slightly and the bullet grazed his neck. But it didn't make much difference.

Zuo Luohuan gritted her teeth and walked over. Ren Pingbo lay on his back, his neck pierced by a bullet, but he didn't reach up to cover it. He even had a smile on his face, unable to make any sound except for the choking of blood in his throat.

Even though he was dying, this man who had cast a shadow over the Federation for nearly twenty years lay motionless on the ground, still like a victor.

Ren Pingbo struggled to open his eyes and looked up at the clear blue sky, similar to the day he had left the Federation. There was a hint of disappointment in his gaze.

"I gave you a chance."

Suddenly, Ren Pingbo opened his mouth and said his last words to Zuo Luohuan, silently. His face still had a strange smile.

Zuo Luohuan watched him take his last breath. This madman had caused countless deaths in the Federation with just a few meaningless words.

She stood there for a long time, finally squatting down to feel Ren Pingbo's pulse. She confirmed that he was really dead and even checked his face to make sure it hadn't been tampered with. Only then did she slump to the ground.

Zuo Luohuan retrieved her bone armor. She had several broken bones and was no better off than Ren Pingbo, except that she was still alive. She opened the camera on her light brain and tried to wipe the blood off her face, maintaining a barely presentable appearance. At least in front of her comrades, she wouldn't look too disheveled.

After a moment, Zuo Luohuan stood up and poured gasoline on Ren Pingbo's body, burning it on the spot. She wanted to completely eliminate any potential threat and not give him any chance of survival, even though she had confirmed his death.

Watching the flames rapidly burning, Zuo Luohuan suddenly remembered the words Ren Pingbo had said to her before: "I gave you a chance."

What does it mean?

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