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AN: IM BACK!!! after literally so many fucking years of being miserable as shit im like kinda actually doing okay and its so fucking scary man. im scared im gonna go back to how i was. might aswell enjoy happiness whilst it lasts🤷🏻‍♀️

anyways, y'all have waited long enough

September 30th 2019

todays the day i'm meeting up with ava, she messaged me this morning and she said shes really excited. i am too, i think.

I'm nervous as well. what if she hasn't changed? what if shes the same girl she used to be? but I'm sure she wont be.

"gabby! come down here please!" i get up and walk downstairs. "whats up?" i ask. "i've been called into a last minute meeting and after thats over it will already be time to go to finneas' so can you go up and get ready please."

i cant go with her! im seeing my sister today.

"why do i have to go the meeting? they're always so boring."

"you always ask to come with me, wheres this come from?" she furrowed her brows.


"umm, i just don't wanna go i, i wanna stay here." i replied. "okay baby, do you want me to pick you up after or are you gonna drive?"

"ill just drive." i replied smiling. i walked into her open arms and held her tight.

"your gonna be late, i love you, ill see you later."

"i love you too, see ya."

as soon as the door shut, i let out a breath i didnt even know i was holding. i ran upstairs and started the shower.

its 1.15pm and i have to be there at 2pm. if i want to be there on time, i need to leave at 1.45pm the latest.

i quickly finished off getting ready and walked downstairs. i grabbed my keys and slipped on a pair of sneakers.

my phone starts ringing in my pocket so i pull it out and billies name appears on my screen. i accept the call.

"hey, aren't you supposed to be in a meeting?" i asked. "yeah i am, where are you going though? we dont have to be at fins til 6."

why the fuck did i forget we had cameras? think fast gabby.

"oh, i just got my period i was heading to the store to get some pads because i know you only have tampons. is that okay?"

"yeah of course baby. stay safe, be back in 30 minutes please."

"okay, i love you bye." i said as i hung up.

thirty minutes?! what the fuck am i meant to do? fuck it. im going anyway.

i got into my car and made my way to see ava. i turn off my phone because i know billie will be blowing my shit up when she doesn't see me back home.

as soon as i walk in, i recognise her.

she looks the exact same.

i walk over to her and she jumps up to hug me. i obviously return the hug.

i'm so happy i finally get to see her. she has changed, i know it.

after an hour of us catching up, she starts asking about billie and my heart sinks.

maybe she hasn't changed.

for however long, ava talks and talks about how much she wishes billie knew who she was.

now i know why she wanted to see me. she doesn't even wanna see me, she wants to see billie. i fucked up.

i reach into my pocket and power my phone back on. automatically, notifications off my family start coming through. worried texts and messages. i then look at the time and it reads 5:30pm


my phone begins to ring and once again, billies name flashes on my screen. shakily, i accept the call. also accepting the fact imma get in some trouble for this shit.

"oh my god! where are you? are you okay? do you need me to come pick you up? do you-" i cut her off before she could say anymore.

"no billie, im okay, i bumped into somebody and ended up talking to them for a while and lost track of time, ill come home now."

"is that billie on the phone? hi billie i love you!!!!" ava yelled.

"gabby its literally 5:30 you left the house hours ago, leave wherever you are and come to finneas' house. we are all here and we were all extremely worried about you. be here in no less than fifteen minutes. i love you, bye" she said as she waited for me to reply with an 'i love you too' before hanging up.

"well um i gotta go." i said as i stood up and rushed out of there, not even waiting for a response. why the fuck would i be so stupid is all that kept circling around my head.

i got into my car and started the dreaded drive to finneas' house. all i could think about was how badly i wanted to rekindle my friendship with my sister. but no. it didn't work out like i thought it would.

i just wanna curl into a ball and never speak to anybody ever again.

AN: dumbest bitch award goes to gabby🥇

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