Chapter 4

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2925 words

Updated - 25/4/2023

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(Back to the story!)

(Next day)

I find Ravi waiting for me, in front of my cabin at the hospital. Gesturing to the nurse that he was fine to enter, I watched him enter my room and make himself comfortable on the patient's bed.

"That's for patients, you moron." - I nearly yelled at him.

"I leave you alone for a month and you are about to get engaged!!" - he squealed with joy, at the idea of my marriage.

Ravi had gone to his hometown with his wife, Madhu, since his grandfather was not doing well. His employees managed his cafe in his absence.

And so, I didn't want to tell him about Tara, since he was already tensed about both his granddad and his cafe.

I am pretty sure that Dev must have blabbered the news to him.

Also, we are not going to get engaged.

It's just a possibility. A mere possibility.

"I just met her. And no we are not engaged!! least not yet.." - I clarified.

I have hardly met her and know anything about her!!

How can I get engaged to her????

"Let me enjoy my freedom as long as it lasts. I am going to anyways submit to this ridiculous round of courtship." - I added in a firm voice. Although it was more to myself.

"Whatever dude. I want to meet her" and boy was he insistent and adamant!

He is my best friend, after all.

Later that day, I had spoke with Tara to check her availability and if she could join us for dinner tonight.

Currently, Ravi, Madhu and I are on the way to the restaurant where we were supposed to meet Tara for dinner.

Just when we were almost near the restaurant, I received a text from Tara

"Running late. Will meet you in 20 mins."

I smirked remembering how late I was to our first meeting and how much Tara struggled to hide her annoyance when we were late. Guess that did leave a sour taste on her..!

Tara's POV

As I made my way to restaurant, my cousin called me - divorce and needs my help to assist in breaking the news to her parents. Sure, I love her but she needs to deal with it. And her parents are a little conservative & traditional-minded, so all the best, her!

God alone knows what happened. They have been hardly married for 2 years.

That's the second divorce in this year that I have heard of.

My school friend married her childhood sweetheart and 3 years later, doom - Divorce

I know that 50% of marriages end in divorce. Which 50% would my marriage belong to? I wonder.

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