(𝐈) 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 - 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬

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'ARE WE THERE YETTT?' MONTE WHINED, bored of plodding along the corridors that all looked indistinguishable to him. The blond in front of him didn't give him a second glance, walking in synchronisation with the brunette male by her side, Monte suddenly thought of an idea that was sure to get their attention - he turned to his brother whom had stayed quiet the entire time, not having spoke once, he whispered to him hastily

'Next time you see a candlestick or something, whack it into my head okay?' He grinned, wanting to cause the chaos that this seriously gloomy place lacked

Naturally, with their supersonic hearing the twins heard the plan of Monte Daunt, yet they didn't pay much attention towards this, silently praying for him to go through with it; it would free them from the eternal moans of the annoying one.

Monte's mischievous smirk soon morphed into a frown as he realised he wasn't going to get a response from any of the old Charlie Chaplins surrounding him. Scuffling along the aged halls, Monte began to whistle, smiling as he saw the slight twitch in the twin's movements in front of him.

'Please do refrain from whistling, Master Caius in particular gets irritated by the action.' Jane spoke in a monotone voice from in front of the bored man

'Come onnn.' Monte moaned, suddenly flopping onto the floor, using his last trick in the book, pretending to faint causing the twins to twist around, yet their faces held no alarm as they noticed his chest still rising and falling, yet Jack looked down and his eyes suddenly grew wide

'He will be fine, he is alive.' They both spoke before turning on their heels and marching away once more

Monte suddenly lifted himself up, rolling his eyes and following them, ignoring Jack whom still stood there dumbfounded and was tempted to make his move while nobody was watching.

And so he did.

Keeping an eye of every dim and tenebrific corridors that he recognised had ventured down to the dungeons, he avoided the obvious ones, preferring to find the secret passageway he had seen a particular guard use once every now and then.

'Jack?' A high-pitched feminine voice called from behind him, causing him to snap his head around as he saw the Summers girl stood extremely close to the brown-haired guard that had found them in Perth.

'What are you doing around the dungeons? Where is Alec?' Timothee questioned, his voice formal and yet demanding

'He asked me to wait here whilst he fetched a prisoner, but I'm not growing worried for him, could I go and look for him?' Jack lied smoothly, acting confused and innocent to the best of his ability, seemingly fooling Timothee as he nodded his head slightly before signalling for Ruby to follow him again - soon enough he was walking with her tailing after him

Slipping down the staircase towards the dark and decrepit dungeons, Jack shivered as the numbing chill of the lower areas began to sink in once more. Slowly, he ran along every cell until he saw the one he needed to find and yet... It was empty; Thorea was gone.


SPINNING HER AROUND, Aro gently landed her onto the ground of the ballroom, careful that she would not slip upon contact with the floor.

'Bellissima.' He praised her as she smiled warmly 'You're progressing wonderfully for someone who has never danced.' Taking her hand in his gloved one once more, they waltzed through the room once more, moving in perfect rhythm to the gentle tones of the piano being played by Corin in the corner of the large ballroom

'I'm glad, otherwise I'd be the laughing stock at whatever parties you must have, ending in my veins being empty most likely.' She laughed under her breath as his face inched closer by the second, slowly stopping their movements, she could feel his breath as they both became closer, Katherine leant forward slightly, their faces now inches apart before he pressed her lips to hers, surprising her slightly, but she relaxed into it for a few moments before he pulled away

'Mm, not on my watch, cara.' He whispered into her ear as he gentle swayed her to the music that still emitted from the grand piano 'They would suffer until the end of eternity before coming close to you. I need you to realise that I would let our kingdom fall if it meant keeping you safe il mia amore.' he growled protectively, suddenly his grip grew slightly tighter, yet not so much that it would hurt her

'Our kingdom?' She looked up through her eyelashes

'Our kingdom.' He repeated 'What is mine is yours, I'm sure my brother's would say the same as I. We would all let it all go if it meant you were still safe.'

'All of it?' She beamed up at him, her pure innocence radiating off of her, eyes flickering to the ring he presented from his pocket, gasping as he slid the smooth, cold metal onto her ring finger, it was a golden band, yet she could see what seemed to be small writing engraved into it, yet it was too small for her to see.

'Every last atom.' He whispered softly into her ear bringing her closer into his chest, resorting to a slower rhythm for the dancing that was taking place, he noticed she was tiring, her movements may have been precise but he could see the gentle droop of her eyelids as he pulled back to admire her features 'Are you tired piccola?' He asked, his voice quiet and soft

'Perhaps, could you read to me? I still need to finish that book Marcus gave to me.' Katherine frowned at not completing the entire book in the short time she had with her brunette king in the room that towered high with pages upon pages on knowledge and creations

'Of course, would you prefer it in a different language, I have a guess that you are a speaker of French and English? Therefore you would still be able to understand what is happening in your story cara mia.' He tucked her long brunette locks behind her ears as he found himself lost in her deep, dark eyes, noticing a small speck of green in them as he took her all in.

'I have not heard much French spoken to me in quite a while; it would be nice, thank you Aro, I suppose I have not said that enough recently.' She apologised, causing him to snap out of his trance and let a slight look of regret fall upon his face

'Do not apologise, you have done some much for us already by being here. Although my brother has a small request and asks that you spend time with him, all in all, he is feeling a little left out as you have not given him much attention since you have arrived.' He sighed

'He's a little... Violent.' She laughed breathily

'Hm, I suppose so but that will not stop you in the future? I assure you, amore, he shall never hurt you in any way, shape or form.'

'I suppose I should-'

'My ears were burning.' A voice that could easily be paired with a scowl suddenly appeared, suddenly Katherine realised that the blonde beside the piano had disappeared

'Ah, Caius, so lovely for you to join us, yet I was about to take her to her chambers I'm afraid.' Aro spoke, trying to put on a false façade of feeling sorry for Caius but he saw right through it

'I will gladly stay with our mate, if that's alright with you of course Katherine?' He turned to her as he asked for her consent

'I'm sure it'll be lovely, thank you Caius.' She attempted not to feel like she was slightly put off by his constant scowl, but was sure she would get used to it.

She would have to.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄 ➻ 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now