Enter Ala'Doris

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In a young beast world called Ala'Doris, it held many mighty verocious strong beasts and plants alike big enough to where they could swallow any living thing whole... Yet, this young world also held inhabitants who were capable of linguistic speech, compassion, knowledge, and a power to grow stronger. These inhabitants referred to themselves as beastmen, and these beastmen managed to grow into many different varieties of beasts that came in all shapes, sizes, and even colors. These beastmen worshiped a deity known as the creation goddess, it is said that she created their world that consisted of the creatures, plants, the beastmen who resided in Ala'Doris, and the laws for her children, the beastmen, to follow.

The 1st law for beastmen is to find a female you wish to bond with and to protect from all dangers. The 2nd law for males is to never become jealous when your bonded female is sharing her love with the other males, a jealous male equals a dead female. The 3rd law for beastmen and women is when they have little ones it's both the job of the female and their bonded males to teach the laws they were taught to their children. Sons must learn how not to become ferrals who will harm the females in the future, that bonded males and others are sworn to protect, and daughters must be taught to not become arrogant, greedy, or jealous so they do not harm any of their fellow females. The 4th Law is for females, they must be bonded to many strong males to help protect them and that they deem worthy of helping to raise the little ones together. The 5th Law and one of the most important rules for females is they must have a good reason to break their bonds with males should they be deemed guilty for doing something wrong they will hold a trial... The 6th Law is the most important, for the females who wish to harm other females even if they ordered their males to do it for them, will result in them being punished by having all of their bonded males removed and killed immediately. The female shall henceforth be left to fend for themself in the wilderness with no one to help her.

These were all the Laws the beastmen tribes, villages, cities, and kingdoms went by. Even today these laws help continue to protect beastmen for years and generations to come. The laws set by the creation Goddess herself would ensure that her children would continue to prosper and thrive for years. The beastmen continue to worship and follow the creation goddess's guidance in hopes that she will help bring hope and good health to their villages, tribes, cities, and kingdoms while also hoping for their prayers to be answered for other things... This also included a certain white female King Cobra who prayed to the goddess to protect her clutch and growing family from any harm, and a dark green female Yacare caiman who prayed to the goddess to be given a chance to become a mother and care for at least one child she wouldn't even care if they were a male either or her whole clutch was all males she just wanted to be given a chance. However... Unbeknownst to both females, the goddess listened to their prayers, and would grant both of their wishes...

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