Chapter Twenty Two

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Another long update... 6k words later lol. Enjoy! Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments :)


"They cannot scare me with their empty spaces between stars- on stars where no human race is. I have it in me much nearer to home to scare myself with my own desert places." -Robert Frost

Memory Lane: Chapter Twenty Two

It only took me a few days to work up the courage to have dinner with the Stallard's. When I woke up this morning, I realized I couldn't keep putting it off. Waiting until today, Friday, is probably as far as I can push it without backing out completely.

So, that may be why I woke up at fifteen minutes before my alarm to rush downstairs and catch Aunt June and Uncle Tim before they both head to work. I throw my pink covers off of me, flinching as the cold bedroom air hits my bare legs. For a fleeting moment, my eyes get caught on them and the color of disgust that runs from the tops of my feet all the way up to my pelvis. I know that if I dwell on their abnormalities this early, I won't be able to take any steps forward, let alone just a dinner with my family.

I look away from my legs and throw on a pair of sweatpants in place of my sleep-shorts before heading downstairs where the sound of the coffee pot mixes in with sizzling maple glazed bacon and both scents waft my way.

"Laura!" Aunt June exclaims in surprise as she pours herself a cup of coffee into a to-go mug. "What are you doing awake so early? You usually sleep until the last second," she teases.

Uncle Tim glances over his shoulder at me, flinching as the bacon grease pops and reaches his hand on the handle of the pan. "Good morning, Laura."

I smile at them both, cringing at my bedhead that I catch sight of in my distorted reflection from the stainless steel fridge.

"Everything okay?" Aunt June asks, hesitantly setting down her coffee.

"Yes!" I say quickly, and the concern in her bright blue eyes dissipates, but she still looks cautious.

"Okay, good. Then why are you up so early? It can't be because of Tim's bacon... it's burnt."

Uncle Tim sends Aune June a look over his shoulder, going to respond when more grease pops and hits him and he cusses in surprise instead.

"No, no. I just..." I trail off, realizing I should have prepared something to say because my mind is suddenly drawing a big fat blank on how to approach this. "It's no secret that I've been avoiding eating dinner with you guys. I know that you figured out it's because it's too hard for me after my parents died, but I've been going to that support group and...Well, last week Comb- Carl, said we should start taking steps to get back into a somewhat normal routine. I decided that I think sitting down to dinner with you as my family should be my step one."

I say all of it in nearly one breath, the words spewing out of me probably way too quickly for them to catch each one. There's a beat of silence. Just the sound of the bacon sizzling and burning, but then Aunt June's somewhat puzzled look morphs into a smile that takes up half of her face and she nods.

"I think that sounds like the perfect first step. We would love to have you eat with us, Laura. What do you want for dinner? Anything."

"I'll be happy with whatever you make. Maybe go with Allen's favorite?" I suggest, then I glance at the shriveled, black bacon in the pan on the stove and cringe. "Just... nothing with bacon."

Uncle Tim glances at the pan and pouts, letting out a sigh as he cuts off the stovetop and empties the contents of the pan into the trash. "Good idea."

"What's a good idea?" Allen asks as he comes skipping down the stairs, his heavy steps announcing his presence at the same time his voice does.

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