Chapter 50.2

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Chapter 50.2

As soon as I got off the horse, my mind was complicated.

The current Raniero had definitely become a different being from what I knew. The fact that that violent person liked me... I had no choice but to admit it now. Asking me to tell him what I desired or being curious about my smiling face was only possible when you liked someone.

Still, could I be relieved...?

I didn't think so.

'He might change when he meets Seraphina.'

I was frustrated that I couldn't be sure if it'd be all right though I had to be careful because my life was at stake.

Because of that, I wanted to check out Seraphina. It wasn't that I was wondering what kind of woman Raniero might become obsessed with at first sight. I just wanted to know where she was staying and what her movements were like.

'I told Cisen to pack a bag of money just in case secretly, but I don't want to run away right now.'

Even if I did run away, I didn't want to waste my time running away and wasting my money.

Since I wanted to take at least a month or two to find out what would be a good destination, I was going to try to lead Raniero as much as possible in a way that would deviate from her line of movement so that they wouldn't run into each other in this subjugation.

'I'm sure they won't meet according to the original story, but the Emperor suddenly showed interest in the Saint...'

Just thinking about it made my lips dry.

At that moment, someone suddenly grabbed my wrist from behind. I was about to scream, but a large hand covered my mouth and pressed it.

It was Eden.

He let go of my hand and put his index finger in front of his lips.



"I'm sorry I caught you right away. It's forbidden to make loud noises inside the temple."

"I was looking for you anyway. Where's Seraphina staying? Is there any chance that we could possibly encounter her in this subjugation?"

I had no intention of sharing the feelings of the reunion, so I poured out my questions.

Eden shook his head.

"That's not going to happen. I took care of it. It'd be the same for me since I'd be in trouble if the original novel started early."

'Oh, my... He's done a great job.'

Suddenly, a halo seemed to appear radiately behind Eden's head. I was moved and asked more.

"How? How did you do it?"

"I made a suggestion to the archbishop and sent her on a visit. After all, for those who are worried about the wave, the Saint's visit would be a great help."

Oh, my God.

The second was, 'Oh my God,' but wasn't it worth it? He did such a good job sending Seraphina out without making it seem strange by using a very plausible excuse.


"So, Seraphina is on a visit to the temple right now?"

"Not only the new territory but also the small villages a little beyond the outskirts of the territory. It'll probably take some time for her to come back."



My eyes were touched with moisture. However, Eden didn't seem interested in the emotional atmosphere.

"What did you find in the Imperial Library?"


I sprang to my senses at the question.

"Oh, that. Such an existence hasn't been described anywhere in this world, let alone the story of a soul entering someone else's body."



As expected, he didn't look too disappointed.

"Then, I guess we have no choice but to go to the abandoned sanctuary."


What was there...? While I was skeptical, I didn't want to diminish his thoughts, so I just nodded quietly.


Eden asked, glancing down at me.

"By any chance, are you staying here, even until the subjugation...?"


I hesitated for a moment before I replied slowly.


"I think I'll probably follow... if His Majesty would like it."

At my words, Eden gave me a strange expression.

"You mean the Emperor?"

My face turned red little by little as I opened my mouth to him again.

"I know this might sound a bit strange, Eden, but listen."

I spoke quickly.

"...I think he likes me."

"Oh, I knew that."


I forgot that I shouldn't make loud noises in the temple and almost leaped. Because of that, Eden hurriedly grabbed me in a panic and warned me with 'Shh!'

"Since we met in the garden, he seemed to show off that he was your husband."

The moment I heard that, my head went blank.

"Ah, at that time... so..."

"I was a little embarrassed to send an outrageous note, even taking the risk that day, but you're very tactless."

It seemed that Eden was the type to speak mercilessly in a kind tone. At the same time, unable to overcome my embarrassment, I covered my face with both hands and muttered as if to make excuses.

"Well, the original work has changed a lot, but I'm quite a bit worried because I didn't know."

"Yes, I see what you mean. By the way, then..."

Eden said calmly.

"If the original story is completely different, and he doesn't feel anything after seeing Seraphina... are you going to stay here?"

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