Semi-final and Flowers

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*Cassandra POV*

We landed in Madrid and I was excited to play football with the girls again after a year but I'm also nervous to let the team down.

"¿Estás bien Cassandra? Te ves un poco nerviosa," Jana asked and I nodded. (Are you okay? You seem a little nervous.)

"Estoy bien, es nomas que yo no quiero ser la razón qué no ganemos," I said looking at Jana as we got off. (I'm good, it's just that I don't want to be the reason we don't win.)

"Eres buena en la posición en la que juegas, no hay nada de qué preocuparte," She said as we caught up to the group. (You are good at the position you play, there is no need for you to worry.)

"It's true, Cass you got this," Caroline said as she came between us and put her arms around our shoulders.

"Tell us about the guy you were texting after practice," Jana said looking over at me.

"We have been asking since you came to practice on Monday, please tell us about him," Caroline said as we started walking through the airport.

"I'll tell you when we get into our room," I said as fans started screaming to get our attention and some of them trying to get close to us.

"Cassie!" I heard a little girl yell and i turned to her as she was being pushed back by the crowd and she eventually fell.

I went to her without a second thought and some people moved out the way while other tried to get close to me. Once I got to the little I crouched down and helped her up.

"¿Estás bien?" I asked as she looked at me starstrucked. (Are you okay?)

"Estoy bien, te hice está pulsera para ti and está es para Pedri," She said handing me two bracelets each with the words 'Força Barça' on them and PG16 for Pedri's and mine had CG5 on it with the beads being the Barça colors. (I'm okay, I made this bracelet for you and this one is for Pedri.)

"Gracias, ¿donde esta tú mamá?" I asked as I put it on and she pointed to a women trying to get Vicky's attention. (Thank you, where is your mom?)

I held her hand walked her back to her mom before I headed back to the team with the security guard I just realized was with me since I separated from the group.


"So tell us about the mystery guy," Jana said as soon as she closed the door to our room. We have been sharing a room since the hotel messed up the booking and placed Caroline with me and Jana as we usually get a room together.

"What is his name, how old is he, and how did you meet?" Caroline asked as I took out my phone charger to charge my phone.

"His name is Carlos Sainz, he is 26 year old, and I met him during my photography class final as my professor got the Formula One drivers to be our models for the photoshoot," I said as I connected my phone and looked through my notifications and saw a text from Pepe telling me that him and Nando were coming to the match.

The same day I left Monaco for Barcelona, Carlos also left to go back home to Madrid as he was going to be coming to this match with family as my parents had invited them. They started sponsoring Real Madrid shortly after I signed to Barcelona.

"Hopefully he doesn't end up like your ex," Jana said as she sat down beside me.

"When we had a proper conversation, he gave off a completely different vibe than Juan did. He wasn't trying to hide anything like he was and turns out that Juan's wife is my sister," I said and they looked at me in shock as they were not expecting me to say that.

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