Chapter 48

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Leaving the tattoo shop I wanted to scratch my side so severely but Nikki kept yelling at me not to. "While we're out I wanna go pick up my tux."
"Yeah, I rented one for the night. Thought I would actually present myself nicely."
"Do I need to wear a dress to this place?" he stared at me like, Yeah, you need to wear a dress to this place. "I didn't know it was that fancy!"
"Did you think I was kidding or something when I said there's a dress code?"
"Well, Uhh" I laugh to myself. "I don't really have a formal dress"
Nikki sighed and groaned "Hunny, sweetie... darling, what the hell were you going to wear tonight?"
I purse my lips hesitant to say "A slutty cocktail dress" I smile nervously
"As much as I'm going to regret asking this, but I have to... wanna go shopping?"
"Yes!" I scream quickly. "Bullock's is like 15 minutes away, let's go let's go let's go!" I say cheerfully bouncing in my seat.
Nikki rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but smile at my excitement. "Alright, let's go then," he said, suddenly making a turn.

We drove to the department store and as soon as we walked in, I was in awe of the glamorous dresses on display. Nikki led me to the formalwear section, where we began browsing through the racks. I pulled out a few dresses that caught my eye, but Nikki wasn't impressed. "Too revealing," he muttered as he handed them back to me. I was a bit shocked that he would say that. It's Nikki for Christ's sake, but he was right - they were a bit too sexy for the occasion.
Nikki then pulled out a stunning black fitted dress with a low-straight neckline, diamond straps, and a large cut-out slit. "This one" he expressed. "It's perfect for you."
I smiled as I took it to try it on, and as soon as I looked in the mirror, I knew he was right. The dress hugged my curves in all the right places and made me feel sexy yet elegant and sophisticated. "I love it" I said, admiring myself in front of the mirror.
"Yeah yeah you look beautiful" Nikki smiled. "Now let's go pay for it and get out of here before you start buying everything in sight." We went up to the counter and he insisted on paying for the dress but I yelled at him and said I wouldn't let him pay for anything for me on his birthday. The dress put a slight dent in my bank account which worried me about how I'm going to pay for an expensive dinner and then pull out a bunch of cash for the clubs too. Looks like I could have used that shift tomorrow night after all. We picked up Nikki's tux on the way home and he wouldn't let me out of the car because he "wanted it to be a surprise".

As soon as we got home, he took both our outfits and hung them on hooks outside our closet and I snuck in the bass and kept it in the spare room. We decided to put on music and dance around the house as we got ready for dinner. Nikki pretty much laid in bed doing whatever as I showered, styled my hair, and did my makeup. It took Nikki about 30 minutes to get ready compared to my two and a half hours. Nikki had everything but his suit jacket on and I was already drooling. He zipped up the back of the dress, spun me around, and leaned in for a kiss. "Keep kissing me like that and we'll never make it out of the bedroom" I laugh wishing I never had to pull away. After, Nikki put on his suit jacket and we checked ourselves in the mirror "We look hot" he said with his arm around my waist.
"Damn right, we do" I kiss his cheek and head for the front door. We left for The Musso and Frank Grill for the long-awaited birthday dinner. The place was bustling with people, and the atmosphere was lively and sophisticated. The hostess led us to our table, which was adorned with a beautiful centerpiece of flowers and candles. We settled into the booth and he quickly began looking at the drink menu. "Jeez, all these people look so nice... I feel poor" I whisper to Nikki
"Well you certainly don't look poor, I can tell you that right now." I smile at his response and continue to browse through the menu. "Should we get a bottle of wine or what are you thinking?" Nikki asks. Looking at the prices of full bottles made my heart drop, luckily I wasn't in a wine mood anyway.
"Im thinking of a cocktail. I could use something refreshing."
Nikki smiled then passed the drink list to me and began to look at the dinner menu. "Is it me or do all these appetizers sound gross?" Nikki whispered
"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Why the hell is a salad twenty-one dollars?"
"We can get the baked escargot for only sixteen?"
"We went over this when we first met, escargot is snails!" Nikki cringed. "Well, no need to fear. For only fifteen dollars, we can either get a plate of assorted olives, an avocado, or the stuffed celery.." he announced.
I curled in my lips and shook my head trying to resist a laugh. "Either we order from the cold seafood menu or skip the appetizers altogether because there is no way in hell I am going to pay nineteen dollars for a mushroom."
"Let's move on then shall we.."
"Good evening, welcome to Musso and Frank's. Have you dined with us before?" The waiter presented.
"First time" Nikki responded.
"Well welcome, we hope your experience is a fine one. Are we celebrating anything special tonight?"
"It's a special somebody's birthday" I say smiling at Nikki.
"Happy birthday, sir. Can I start you off with some drinks? Miss?"
"I'll have a whiskey sour please"
"Any preference for the whiskey?"
"I'll do an Elijah Craig"
"And for you sir?"
"I'll have a scotch on the rocks. Blue label." Damn.. what a gentleman.
"Fine choice sir. The first round is on the house."
"Oh that's nice" I smile. The waiter comes back with our drinks and we put in our food order.
"Cheers, babe!" Nikki said, raising his glass.
I smile widely "Happy birthday, Nikki"

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