Chapter 5

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[Y/n]'s eyes narrowed at the deformed pieces of chocolate that she made. Valentine's Day was coming close, and [Y/n] wanted to give chocolates out to her new friends this year.

But the only problem is... she's not much of a cook or a baker like her sister. Even with the chocolate molds, [Y/n] couldn't get the shape of the chocolate right.

Kokomi had already gone to bed for the night after making her perfect chocolates to make Saiki say 'oh, wow.' [Y/n]'s never been jealous of her sister before, but now when it came to Saiki, the thought of him becoming one of Kokomi's fanboys or even dating her, made [Y/n] uncomfortable.

[Y/n] took a piece and tasted it. It was extremely bitter. "This is hopeless..." She muttered, putting her face in her hands and accidently smearing chocolate on her face. "Saiki'll know that I can't even make simple chocolates. Then he won't like me anymore." [Y/n] felt her face heat up. "Do I want Saiki to like me more? More than Kokomi, sure, but..."

'More than just a friend...?'

The next day was Valentine's Day. [Y/n] only had enough pieces that she considered "good to give away" for Saiki. [Y/n] blushed a little in embarrassment, thinking about giving the chocolates to Saiki. She was more nervous about what he would say receiving them.

[Y/n] found Saiki sitting at his desk as usual, so the plan of hiding them in his desk was out the window. "G-Good morning." [Y/n] stuttered a greeting to her friends as she walked to her desk.

'She's acting weird.' Saiki thought and could see the chocolates for him that was in her bag, 'Is she really going to give me chocolates...?'

[Y/n] went the whole day, thinking of different way to give Saiki the chocolates the at she made.

'Or she could just...hand them to me.' Saiki thought.

Not only did the news about Kokomi giving chocolate to someone get out; it also made it harder for [Y/n] to get her chocolates to Saiki with random boys bombarding her with questions about Kokomi's chocolate. "S-Sorry, I don't anything about that." [Y/n] repeat for the 8th time to fanboy that stopped her while hiding her own chocolates behind her back.

She was looking for Saiki. He was walking outside for some reason. "Sai..." [Y/n] saw Kokomi's chocolates in Saiki's hand. All of [Y/n]'s courage seemed to wash out of her body.


"'s nothing, really." [Y/n] said, hiding the chocolates behind her back. Saiki sighed and walked closer to her while [Y/n] backed away, "It's really nothing; I-I was just curious on where you went and, um,-"

"You're really bad at lying, you know?" Saiki questioned, making [Y/n] even more flustered.

"I'm not lying!" She protested with a reddened face.

Saiki held out his hand while shoving Kokomi's box of chocolates in his pocket. "Hand them over. I saw you hiding them earlier." He said, "You were planning on giving me chocolates, weren't you?"

[Y/n] looked to the side and handed the heart-decorated box over to him. "You don't have to eat them..." Saiki opened the box without hesitation and took one, making [Y/n] facepalm, "And you're eating one..."

"Not bad." Saiki said, "I like that it's bitter."

[Y/n]'s heart skipped a beat as Saiki took another piece of her chocolates. "R-Really? You really like them?" Saiki nodded, and [Y/n]'s eyes sparkled. "I-I can make them for you...whenever you'" She muttered while playing with her thumbs, realizing how odd she sounded.

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