A close encounter

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Saheer had a lot of workload today. It was an unspoken rule in their home to keep asides their laptops and work after dinner except for those days when they would be swamped with work. Today was another such day.

Citing aside their daily ritual of having coffee or hot chocolate in Saheer's balcony with some meaningful talks, Saheer was still working. Veera had been already done for the day and was waiting for her husband to give her some attention. She was extremely bored.

And so, the very bored Veera decided to take it upon herself to annoy her husband. She knew he would not mind her disturbance. They had that comfort zone established with each other.

She started with the address which she knew her husband would hate the most. In fact, every husband would hate it if their wives would ever call them this.

"Bro", Veera whined, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Saheer sent such a death glare at that nick name, that Veera raised her arms in surrender.

"Ohk, no need to kill me with that laser glare.", she snickered.


Saheer clicked his tongue in annoyance now, but did not raise his head to glance towards Veera. He pretended to stay engrossed in his work. He too wanted to see how long she would play this game.

"Saheer", Veera called out innocently now.

No response.

"Saheer ji", she faked the style of a daily soap actress.

(ji - a respectful address)

Saheer pressed his lips trying to suppress his laughter. His wife was such a big drama queen.

'Look who's complaining about dramatics', his subconscious mocked. Saheer royally ignored.

"Aa ji sunte ho", even she started chuckling at that, but Saheer managed to maintain his façade.

(This was a manner of addressing your husband in the yesteryears, some women call out their husbands this way even now. Here, its meant for pure teasing)

"Mere pati parmeshwar", Veera had now upped her game. Saheer was literally one moment away from bursting into laughter.

(A sarcastic address implying the husband to be equivalent to god. Here its solely for teasing and irritating Saheer)

Seeing him unaffected even with her Bollywood style dramatics, she herself was getting annoyed, when a fantastic idea struck her.

"Babe", Veera said in a sultry whisper.

Saheer's head turned to her in a whiplash, this was the first time he heard that from her. Sure, he did call her sweetheart among other endearments, but she always stuck with calling him Saheer. Usually, she was not the one for nicknames, unlike him.

Seeing his flabbergasted state, Veera smirked at him.

It was after a long minute that Saheer regained his composure. Now, he decided to play the game which his little wife had started.

His wide eyes soon narrowed towards her with a heated look, it was as though, he was daring her to maintain that sultry look.

Feeling his heated gaze on her, Veera felt her cheeks starting to heat up. She was done being the fake sultry seductress, even if that was for a few minutes. She knew she could never win in front of Saheer, especially in moments like these.

Seeing her now flustered state and fidgeting gestures, Saheer approached her slowly like a predator. All the while they maintained an eye contact or more like Saheer's heated and intense gaze compelled Veera to look into his eyes, she was simply rendered unable to look elsewhere.

Just when Veera was about to escape, Saheer caught a hold of her arm and pinned her to the wall by virtually erasing the entire distance between them. He kept her pinned to the wall, both with his body and his stare and rested his arms on either side of her head.

Veera's entire face now technically resembled a tomato while her eyes flitted here and there trying to find a escape from Saheer's arms. His citrusy scent had invaded her entire senses and she found herself drowned in its enticement.

"Babe", Saheer whispered in her ears in the same sultry manner in which she had said the same word earlier.

Veera blushed even more if that was even possible.

Saheer chuckled huskily in her ears, the vibrations traversing through her entire body. Oh how he loved seeing her blush.

She shuddered.

He lifted her chin with his forefinger coercing her to look into his eyes, his gaze penetrating her soul.

"Not so brave now, are we, wifey", he questioned still in his deep baritone.

Veera's brain had now completely fogged at his proximity and she could not make herself capable of uttering a single syllable.

"Sahh....Saheerrrrr.......I.....I..", she stuttered. Saheer simply loved the way she was being affected by him.

"Hmmm", he hummed, making sure that his warm breath would caress her face with the deep sound. His finger which had been previously on her chin now found its way to caress her jaw and cheeks.

To make matters worse for Veera, Saheer now burrowed his head in the crook of her neck inhaling her chocolaty scent.

Veera had goosebumps all over her arms as she stood with closed eyes. His deep voice along with his proximity was not helping her flustered situation at all. All she wanted to do was bury herself within that broad and warm embrace of his. Also the fact that his cologne was absolutely delicious.

'You pervert, he would run away' her subconscious piped in all of a sudden.

'No, he wouldn't, he himself has trapped me, this idiot. Always finds a way to tease me.', her mind fought back.

"What happened babe? Lost somewhere.", Saheer whispered, trying to elicit a reaction from her.

"Sahee....Saheer....tum.....please......Sah....", Veera was desperately trying to compose a statement and was ridiculously failing to do so.

(tum - you)

Saheer chuckled at her state and decided to have some mercy.

"Shhh, alright, I will leave you.", he said in a fake assuring tone.

Veera let out a sigh of relief, finding her way out of his arms, and tried to take off, just run away from that room, from his dangerous presence, when he once again caught her arm and held it firmly, while she kept wriggling to release herself from his hold.

Now he approached her such that his front touched her back, his warm breath teasing her yet again.

"Also sweetheart, next time you tease me, remember there will be consequences, hmm", he teased her.

"Ye...yesss", she stuttered and escaped away from his now loose hold.

He stared at her diminishing figure and chuckled heartily at the way she easily gets flustered and like a shy kitten within his arms. The way she goes from a bold lioness while working on her laptop and being sassy all day to a shy little kitten in his proximity thoroughly amused him. He knew there would be more of such encounters in the future and he also knew for sure that he would certainly make the most of them.

His smile never left his face as he kept thinking about his cute little wife.

So guys, how was this?

Well, bold Saheer and shy Veera.

I am sure you must have liked this chapter.

Do let me know in your comments.

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See you later :)

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