Chapter 10

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I stopped. Fear flooding my body. I know that voice but whose is it? I turned around slowly, that face. Where do I know him? Wait. That's Carter! The one and only friend I had in high school. The reason I got through high school. But what was he doing here? Why was he here? Was he working for Ace?

He ran over to me and crouched down. "C-Carter?" I blurted. "Yeah, it's been quite some time Char" he said, with a small smile on his lips. "W-What are you doing here? You're going to get hurt." I continued. "No time to explain everything right now. I'll explain later. I'm only going to ask you to trust me. We have to get out of here. As quickly as possible" he said, growing serious. "Can you walk?" he asked hurriedly. "Uh, no, I definitely cannot walk" I replied. "Crap, this is going to make things harder, but it was expected judging by your character. Okay, uh, get on my back." He said, before turning around so that it would be easier for me to climb on his back. I struggled a bit but managed. Footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer. "We have got to hurry" he said. Unlike Ace, he struggled a bit to get off of the ground whilst holding me, but he managed. After he got up, he immediately started speed walking in the direction opposing the sound of the footsteps.

Two-gun shots were heard and right after Carter stumbled onto the ground making me fall too, face planting the ground. Damn, this hurts. I get up and look over at Carter and notice the wounds on his legs, a bullet wound in each. We really cannot have anything go our way, can we? I crawled back to him and grabbed onto him. "Crap Carter, are you oka-"my question got cut short as another gunshot was fired into Carter's chest . "AAGH!" Carter yelled. Frick. No. That's not good at all. I put my hand on his wound applying pressure onto it to stop the bleeding as I could. Carter is not dying in here because of me. He can't. He is the only person I have left in my life. I can't lose him too. I just can't. Not that I just got him back.

I looked up to the direction of the person who was responsible for this and unsurprisingly it was the nicest and definitely not cruellest person I know. Ace. "Ace, please don't do this. Please, stop. I'm begging you Ace. Please, don't hurt him." I pleaded, as I put my upper body on his chest, making sure to keep my hand on his wound to apply pressure, so that he doesn't bleed out. "Get out of the way Charlotte" Ace demanded, his tone harsh and filled with rage and anger. "NO. I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU KILL HIM ACE" I yelled. "Charlotte, I am not going to repeat myself" he added, his tone getting even more dangerous. "Ace, PLEASE. Don't do this. I am begging you." I pleaded with him. "Char, l-listen to him *cough* *cough* You-you're going to end up getting hurt again" Carter grunted. "No Carter. I don't care. You saved me back then now it's my turn to save you" I said as my voice started breaking.

I looked up into Ace's eyes which were now full of tears, as I begged him to stop this. "You can hurt me all you want. You can even kill me. You can do as you please with me. But please, please don't hurt him. Please, Ace" I continued begging. "I thought I was clear when I asked you to behave. To do whatever I say without any objections. But apparently it never seems to get into that little head of yours. So, let this be your lesson to learn to obey me and do as I say, whatever it is, whenever it is." He said, his tone murderous. "ACE. D-Don't hurt her. For once in your messed up life do something right." Carter shouted. I raised my body a bit and looked at him. My clothes and my hands were now filled with his blood. "I don't take orders from a wannabe" he stated before slapping me, the impact throwing my body onto the wall of the corridor, making me hit my head and knocking the wind out of my lungs. Although I felt dizzy, I wasted no time getting up, but I was too late. Ace shot him in the chest three times mercilessly. I crawled to Carter as fast as I could, ignoring the ringing in my ears, the throbbing of my head, the stinging on the left side of my face, the burning in my legs. Ignoring the fact that Ace had a gun in his hand and that he could shoot me whenever he wanted. Ignoring everything else that didn't have to do with Carter.

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