Brief Intro

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(A/N: Hi there, if you're not familiar with the opening of Honkai Star rail, this chapter will serve as an introduction to the premise of the game. )

Just before we begin a list of ground rules: 

1. I will take requests if you have any! Feel free to write them down -->

2. I will not write any smut! I'm a bit awkward with writing it so I'll just refrain from it. [This rule is a filthy lie, I WENT BACK ON MY WORD]

3. Child-like characters such as Bailu, Clara, Hook, etc WILL NOT have any romantic innuendos, instead platonic friendships and sibling-esque vibes. [This also pertains to characters like Sushang and Yanqing, as well as Arlan. Who even if confirmed not to be children are presented as such so it's just too uncomfortable to write.]

4. I'm open to any sort of genre, horror, fantasy, AU, comedy (Arguably my sense of humor is like a bag of flour, so I apologize), angst, and the like! 

5. Thanks for tuning in!! :)

(BTW, this intro will be loosely based off the introductory scene of the game. Though I didn't have the opportunity to exactly copy the beginning, I tried my best to replicate what it was like as a new player.) 


The beckons of Aeons drag you from your eternal rest. The serenity of the vast expanse of the universe is dragged from your soul, as a wave of energy bursts through your body. For at this exact moment, you now have a 'body' of your own. No longer a mass of swarming energy descended from an ancient god, but a living, breathing being. 

"There you are. Welcome." A soothing and smooth voice wanes into earshot. In search of the mysterious voice, you begin to move, first, feeling the air on your skin. Then, to the small muscular sensation of flexing your fingers. Stretching out your index finger, just beneath you, the cold marble tiles, brush against your fingerprints. It's a jarring sensation, filled with the fear of the unknown. 

"Don't worry, just open your eyes." The voice continues. The nostalgia sends a brief warmth to your soul, and you find your heart resonating with the speaker. Trusting them, you pick up your heavy eyelids and finally view the outside world. The first sight you see, is the half-lidded grin of a beautiful woman with striking magenta eyes. 

"You got it. Nice." She smiles, in more of a smirk, you note how there seems to be something written in her gaze. Though you find a strange comfort in it regardless, simply because of her voice. The familiarity of her sweet dulcet tones ring in your ear as you're brought into this strange new reality. 

As soon as you begin taking in this world, she alerts you of her departure. Stating, "You don't remember anything, and you won't, for a while. -I'll see you around." Defying your will, this egregious lump of flesh refuses to stand, and abhors your will to speak. To call out to the woman, to question her, to see her, to talk to her. 

Just as soon as she entered your life, she departed. However, you had a strained feeling that this would not be the end of your encounter with the strange magenta woman. As she had prophesied an encounter between the two of you in the future. The swirling emotions within you, some of bitterness, of loneliness, and others of a melancholy warmth were all interrupted by the sounds of hurrying footsteps drawing near. 

Startled by the sudden appearances of two other people, you manage to find footing, by first finding your feet. Strange how easily you picked up the concept of balance, and how you dismissed the urge to stand on all fours as instinct would have you believe is normal. Copying their movement, you ground yourself on the long stilts of your legs and analyze the strange appearances of the two newcomers to yourself. 

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