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Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

That uncomfortable feeling of what was to come was all Nigel could feel. Now that he was meeting Thayne, he was the last person that took part in the bullying. Except, there was something off of about him.

He was already aware that Thayne clearly had some type of affinity towards him. It was written all over his face...and when he read his lips, that was even more telling.

That whole conversation caused him to want to handle it quickly, to figure out who Thayne really was... What to pick out of his words to possibly use against him. Because he already knew he was worse than them all.

Nigel took them both into a separate room, looking at Thayne who looked all too eager to stand before him. While Nigel was more bothered by what this exchange could be, more than anything else.

"I can tell somewhere in your mind that you think we are alike," Nigel starts before Thayne, seeing him nod at such a thing, "but we truly share no similarities. Not one bit."

"I have to disagree." Thayne smiled at Nigel who had yet to show him even one inch of a smile. "It's the qualities that we both have that most people can't understand. It's with that lack of understanding that we both understand each other. I'm not wrong for thinking this, I'm just not afraid to say it how it is."

"What you say, is wrong. You and I are nothing alike." Nigel affirms more harshly to him.

Thayne found himself slightly annoyed by his words. He looked over at the door and could see Evan standing outside of it. Seeing him continue to peer in occasionally, his eyes moved back onto Nigel.

"You don't want to make me upset."

"I don't care if I make you upset." Nigel tells him without any hesitation. "You being upset means nothing. Get upset, work yourself up over something trivial. Because if I was in your predicament, I would never let myself get so worked up over something like that."

Nigel could immediately tell that his words were bothering Thayne a little bit. It began to hit him that it might not be psychopathy that he has, but something different.

He just wasn't sure. People who diagnose themselves as psychopaths tend to be liars more than anything else. Or, they choose that option for some reason that even he couldn't imagine.

Being put into that realm wasn't something to brag about. It made him feel like he wasn't normal anymore even though he once was; and for someone to long for that diagnosis...? That told him enough about Thayne.

He wasn't psychotic at all. If anything, he was very angry. He just didn't know about what.

"I brought you here because I actually have interest in being your friend. No one in this damn school understands me, and I feel like you would." Thayne starts, and he notices the way Nigel's whole demeanor didn't change. "Despite who I am and my past actions."

"I read your lips," Nigel starts as soon as he finishes, causing Thayne to frown at such a way of saying things - forgetting that he was deaf with how easily he responded back, "You said Evan is naive, and that your wrath. Wrath is one of the strongest emotions anyone can feel and experience. It's that point of anger that sometimes desires revenge. You...feel that way, all the time, yes?"

When he asks that, he saw Thayne's whole expression become soft. He nods, clearing his throat as he puts on a smirk.

Unaware with him doing such a thing, that told Nigel enough.

He wasn't a psychopath at all. Just a traumatized, angry...wrathful kid.

"You're not a psychopath." Nigel says once again, seeing how irritated that made Thayne so quickly. "You have reason behind that anger and that wrath, and not to say psychopaths can't feel emotions, but... There's an exaggerated anger that comes with it, and even I am not for certain. Based off of my own thoughts and knowledge, you aren't one."

Boy From NowhereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora