☠︎︎ Recap At Berk ☠︎︎

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(This chapter isn't placed in your POV)

Hiccup and the gang landed on Berk, they were all on edge about the new dragon rider with the Boneknapper so they decided they'd try to get as much information on those dragons as possible to find the rider.

"Gobber!" Astrid yelled

"Eh? What're you guys doing back Berk? Didn't you say you were going to attack Viggo, it's not even daytime!" Gobber exclaimed

"Son?" Stoick said

"Well- we were gonna defeat Viggo and Ryker and burn them up everyone but- a huge Boneknapper flew in and decided to do it for us!" Snotlout yelled in annoyance

"A Boneknapper! I haven't seen one since- you know when!" Gobber said

"A large one with a rider on top of it, full set of bone armour on the Boneknapper while the rider had literal bones on their set of armour! Dragon bones!" Astrid informed

Toothless roared to confirm the statement, Barf and Belch sniffed around Berk and began to fight over a couple of fish.

"Rogue rider? With a Boneknapper for a dragon? It was bad with Heather and her Razorwhip but now with a Boneknapper in the way it's even harder to figure out who it is." Stoick stated

"Awesome! Super big and fast, not even Tooth could keep up." Tuffnut grinned

Toothless rolled his eyes as Hiccup did the same.

"Boneknapper is apart of the Mystery Class, a large and powerful dragon with a set of armour made of bones. The Boneknapper has an ear piercing roar that is able to alert you when it is coming. Boneknapper's are rare dragons, coming across one is a rare occurrence and leaving alive is even rarer." Fishlegs read

He seemed to be reading straight off an old book of dragons, or they didn't update the pages on the new one.

"Maybe it happened like Gobber and the Boneknapper from years ago, they gave it its bone?" Stoick suggested

"Maybe it's our sibling! They got taken by a Boneknapper a long time ago!" Tuffnut grinned

"Yeah! It's a possibility! Win for Thorstons!" Ruffnut yelled

"Hate to break it to the both of you, they're dead. That Boneknapper wasn't too happy with the Vikings on Berk and it wouldn't change." Gobber shrugged

"It's not even possible! They would've died either way!" Astrid grumbled

"Look- let's get in contact with Dagur and Heather to see if they can help us find anything about it. They could help us with a search or help us get information on the next time Viggo sets out to do something crazy, we could try to find them before they find us." Hiccup said

"Yes! Heather is gonna be psyched to see me!" Snotlout cheered

"The only one whose gonna be psyched to see you is Viggo when she throws you onto one of his boats for harassing her." Astrid rolled her eyes

"Well, if you need any help on it son, come to Berk. Gobber and I know a thing or two about catching dragons." Stoick offered

"That's our last resort, catching a Boneknapper isn't too easy but it's not impossible. Riders! Let's head back to The Edge and write a letter as Terror Mail! Sleuther and Windshear are gonna be an asset rather than dragons in the way!" Hiccup yelled

He ran to Toothless who roared happily, the riders got into the air and started to fly to The Edge with the other dragons.

"Fishlegs! What do Boneknapper's like to eat and where do they like to live? We need that information first to see if they're going to get word about it!" Astrid shouted

"Well, Graveyard island is a start but the land we found there couldn't possibly sustain a Viking. Although there was an abundant amount of fish there and dragons that would be perfect to use as bone armour, we just need to find somewhere that could keep the both of them alive!" Fishlegs explained

"Maybe we could go ask Viggo to catch it for us!" Ruffnut laughed

"Yeah! Pay him in gold or something, maybe he'd like one of our Night Terrors!" Tuffnut said

"Remember the last time he had the gold, he used it to make a literal landmark! And the Night Terrors would never, why would he even need one?!" Snotlout pointed out

"When has Viggo or Ryker ever liked us, they'd probably kill us before we got to the trapping part!" Fishlegs said

"You two seriously need a piece of reality." Hiccup sighed

"A piece? They need more than that." Astrid stated

The dragon riders continued to fly to The Edge, the dragons roared at each other which meant they were most likely speaking about the Boneknapper.

"Those roars remind me, that shriek the Boneknapper was capable of making seemed to disorient and throw the dragons off. How're we gonna conquer that? Moss ear plugs might not be the best idea." Astrid stated

"Maybe we don't get involved at all, huh?!" Snotlout suggested

"Snotlout, we have to. Who knows what that rider is capable of doing and their intentions, you wanna find out the hard way?" Hiccup asked

"Yes." Tuffnut grinned

"It'd be much cooler!" Ruffnut said

"And much more dangerous!" Fishlegs pointed out

"We've been through much more than a silly old Boneknapper and rogue rider, what's the worse that could happen?" Ruffnut asked

"We get killed by a boney dragon and a dragon rider, let's not forget the fact they managed to get a piece of Hiccup's tunic with ease despite Toothless's speed and Hiccup's... whatever he has." Astrid said

"They literally said they outsmarted me, not even in words. They called me a Muttonhead." Hiccup reminded everyone

"Someone had to say it." Snotlout shrugged

Hookfang roared in amusement before shaking himself, Toothless roared in offence before speeding up ahead of the other dragons to be in front of the group.

"I'm sorry my brother Hiccup, but it is quite true. Me and Ruffnut outsmart you all here, you're all muttonheads in a boars world!" Tuffnut yelled

"My apologies, dear Hiccup. You're quite the muttonhead, a boar is clearly more smarter." Ruffnut smiled

"Someone's clearly mixed up..." Astrid mumbled

"You two literally cause avalanches for fun! Didn't you guys also try to milk a Slitherwing?!" Fishlegs questioned

"Your point?" Tuffnut asked

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