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Ridha's pov:

Three weeks!

It had been three weeks, I started working in the project team. At first, I got surprised seeing in same team as Arav . Three weeks since I started working as the member of project team which was guided by Arav Kapoor along with Sanjay and Rahul. The team consists of me, Rahul, Sanjay, Arav sir, Jessi, Neha and Kevin.

Our relationship was just like the mentor and the student, nothing more. Usually Sanjay and Rahul always talk among us. Arav talked only when needed. I tried many times to be near him, talk to him but my anxiety never let me talk. It kinda felt strange when I tried talking to him. Basically, our talk was limited to....him ordering me for some work and me replying for that...that's it.

In these two weeks of working with him, I got to know a little more about him. Like, he was passionate about what he did. He never took any work for granted. He had that aura, that authority, that dominance that no one could deny his decision taken for the project ideas. No doubt he is that famous. I thought after coming from mechanic stream how will he know about programming, but he performed even better than me.

I also came to know that he is very close to his friends. Three of them always work separately in different sections but have lunch together always.

Whenever they would meet, it was my duty to make coffee for them. Rahul and Sanjay got so addicted to my coffee that they couldn't stop praising me and asked me to make their morning coffee at breaks. I couldn't deny their request because they asked me, not ordered me. So from that day, I had been making coffee for them, they appreciated it every time, making me happy because I like to cook and it makes my heart swell with happiness whenever someone appreciates my cooking. At least they were not like Arav, who not even a single time commented anything about the coffee. Also, I always prepare coffee for everyone in our team.

As a member, my three weeks had been so hectic, chaotic, and tedious. They gave me so much work and made me do up down to several floors hundreds of times in a day, it was the part of my work as they are in different floors. I felt tired but I didn't complain because I was here to learn. I was learning from my mistakes.

Neha and Jessi also helped me with the work. There were so any things I don't know as I didn't have any experience like this. They both taught me so much. Kevin also helped me. They all are full of life unlike my ex-friends. I had grown closer to them, we always did our lunch together.

Right now, I am siting in my desk making a presentation for the project. Our idea was the creation of smart electric meter. I am in charge of making the presentation asked by Arav. Suddenly I look to Arav Sir seated near me. I still call him Sir and he also didn't corrected me.

"Cancel your plans for lunch if you have any. Everyone in team planned to eat outside. Already they have went."He commanded.

"Where Sir? I will book cab now itself."

"You are coming with me" He replied.

"Okay Sir"

He left my desk without uttering another word. I sat back on my chair and patted my hand over my chest to calm my racing heart. This was the first time he talked to me unofficially.

Grabbing my stuffs I went to the parking lot. He is already waiting for me.

He started his classy Royal Enfield. It was my dream to ride with him in this at least once in my lifetime. Suddenly I felt so lucky.

"Don't gawk like you haven't seen a bike before" He replied sarcastically handing me a helmet. I just shook my head...I had seen many of them, who haven't? But riding with him is something to get excited about.

I sat behind him. As soon as I sat behind him his scent engulfed me, it was so manly, so strong and enticing. I was used to this scent. I could recognise the scent from far away. I sat quietly and uncomfortably, his close proximity was making me nervous.

The bike ride was awkwardly silent, at least for me. I was just passing the time by looking everywhere. My legs had been shaking because of the nervousness but I was trying to control the shaking by pressing them tighter together.

He stopped Infront of a tall building and parked his bike. Everyone greeted him while going inside. We are at a classy and luxurious Italian restaurant.

"Come" He commanded me. Why he is always commanding me? I nodded and entered along with him. We made our way to the VIP elevator, but it didn't work.

"Sir, it was not working. It will take time to repair" He replied nervously.

"Well we take the normal one then." He pushed the button of the elevator and entered.

"Look they too arrived" Rahul said as we entered the VIP cabin. Infront of everyone I call them Sir only because others may think that I am taking advantage of being in this. I take a seat beside Kevin.

"Great, lets order. I am starving" Sanjay said and started ordering foods. Arav ordered for the best wine. When waiter reached glass for me I stopped him.

"You don't drink, Ridha?" Sanjay Sir asked me.

"I don't drink alcohol Sir." Sanjay nodded his head and started eating.

"You want anything else?" Arav asked me

"No, I am good." I replied. He nodded and started eating his food.

 He nodded and started eating his food

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Hey everyone!!

I hope all are doing well. So how is the chapter? To all the silent readers please vote and comment because it motivates me to write.

Not getting any votes or comments makes me think that my story is not nice to read. It actually discourages me because I keeping my works apart, I am spending my hours for writing a chapter but not getting enough value for it leads me think that Why I am writing?

I know I am just a neophyte here, I am learning from the mistakes and I am rectifying it. But I will also expect at least a small amount of encouragement for my work na? If the story is not nice in any part then please say it.

And sorry if I might sounded rude..

Thank You!!

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