chapter 1

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A/N- I promise the grammar and writing gets better, trust the process please! xx

Arabella's pov:

Shit. I was late again. I'd been living here for a year now but I'd only ever managed to get to practice on time like 3 times. I rush through the double doors and ran towards my locker, quickly grabbing my skates and heading towards the bench. Just as I sit down and start to tie up my skates I hear a voice.

"Hernández, you are late again." I look up to see my skating coach, Livia, glaring down at me. She may seem mean and harsh but I couldn't blame her. Sure I was easy to teach, my skills weren't the problem, I was. Some may say that I'm stubborn. I disagree, I think I'm just determined.

"Sorry I was working and there was this horrible customer. He was a fucking dick-" I begin to explain before I get cut off.

"Language." She exclaims, her French origins showing in her accent.

"I really am sorry. I swear it won't happen again." I tell her smiling innocently.

"We both know it will. Now get on the ice before I stop you from competing." She tells me and I finish tying my laces. But we both know she is lying as she has a smile plastered om her face. Livia definitely has a soft spot when it comes to me, she knew how much work I was doing just to show up every day. I live with my Aunt and Uncle but I refuse to let them pay for any of my skating. So when I wasn't skating I was working at the coffee shop.

I easily skated and joined my friends on the ice and began to warm up.

"Wow Bella I'm surprised you made it at all." Lola tells me.

"Shut up, I'm never late." I reply, smiling.

"Yeah just like I'm never early." Riley tells me. I roll my eyes. Show off.

People often say that trios never work and I was one of those people, until I met Lola and Riley. Moving from New York to a small town in Minnesota was a big shock but meeting them made it all worth it.

"Ok girls. Regionals are in exactly four months, so we need to start preparing. There are 7 of you, I greatly insist that you all come to find me and book a private time to practice. Now, lets get started. I want you to start of doing 5 laps of the rink. Quick and easy." Livia tells us.

We all nod and follow her instructions.

Practice goes quickly and soon we are all off the rink, panting and laughing.

"So who's going to the party tonight?" Julie asks.

"Well it's Dylan's party so we know Lola is going to go." Riley says and I laugh.

"Shut up." Lola replies blushing, god she had the biggest crush on him.

"It might not even happen, it's a hockey team party they aren't going to throw it if they don't win." Polly mentions quietly. She was so sweet, the youngest but everyone's favourite.

"When do they not win." Ria replies.

I hated that she was right. They always win.

"I'm definitely not going." I announce as we walk into the changing rooms. The girls all turn their heads to me in sync.

"What ?" They all basically shriek.

"C'mon guys you know I hate hockey boys. There is no way I'm going." I tell them.

"Don't be boring" Marisa replies, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, I'm not boring. If it was anyone else's party I would go, but not hockey boys."

"What do you even have against hockey boys?" Julie asks. I look at Riley and Lola awkwardly not knowing what to say. I had only ever told them the truth and I know for sure I wasn't planning on telling anyone else.

"It doesn't matter." Riley answers for me and I smile gratefully.

"Well you should still come." Ria insists.

"Yeah I heard Charlie will be there and everyone knows he has a huge crush on you." Lola says. He was the captain of the football team and a bit of a dick but I guess he wouldn't be too bad to hang around with for a night.

"God, fine I'll go. Just so you won't bother me anymore." I tell the girls and they all cheer. I roll my eyes.

"We all know that's not the reason." Julie tells me.

"What is then?"

"Charlie." They all say in sync. What is up with them today, did they all pre-prepare for this or something?

I mean they weren't exactly wrong he was hot.

After all putting our normal shoes back on we walked out and were about to leave before we were stopped by the hockey team. I hated that their practice was right after ours.

" Hernández, you are looking particularly scrawny today." Nathan says to me. Nathan Jones. The captain of the hockey team. Basically by worst nightmare.

"Not as scrawny as your dick, Jones." I reply, with no hesitation.

"In your dreams would you ever know what my dick looks like. "

"In my nightmares, more like."

"When are you going to stop being such a bitch?" He asks.

"When are you gonna get your head of your arse, dickhead?" I reply, moving towards him and staring him down. He mirrors my actions.

"Whoa calm it down guys." My cousin, Ryan replies. Oh yeah did i mention Nathan happens to be best friends and neighbours with my cousin. How convenient.

"Tell your cousin to learn how to shut her mouth."

"Tell you friend to lower his fucking ego." His face angers as my words but we are both pulled back by Dylan and Lola.

"Lets just go." She suggests.

"Whatever i'm done wasting my time on some idiodic boy." I reply before giving Nathan a dirty look and storming off. The rest of the girls following.

"You not going to give me a good luck kiss for the game tonight?" He asks. How does he always know how to piss me off? I turn to see him smirking, I pretend to throw up and stick my middle fingers up at him before storming off, slamming the doors behind me.

A few seconds later the rest of the girls joined me outside.

"Will you ever speak to him without arguing?" Marisa asks.

"Nope. Never." Riley answers for me. And I smile. What can I say, I'm consistent.

"See you later girls." Lola says to the others and we all say our goodbyes before me, Lola and Riley get in Riley's car.

"Shotgun." I shout jumping in the passenger seat and Lola gets in the backseat after me.

"You know you don't have to do that I never go in the front. And I don't mind." She tells me as Riley begins to drive.

"Yeah but what if the one time I don't say it then you do get in the passenger seat."

"Does it even matter?" Riley asks.

"Yes of course it does. The back seat is less comfy, less space, worse view. Shall I go on?" They both roll their eyes at me and say no in sync.

"Where are we going anyway?" Lola asks.

"Mine." I suggest and they nod in agreement.

I flick through the radio till I hear taylor swift playing. We all smile at each other before screaming out the words to 'Love Story'.

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