Biker Baby | Chapter Seven

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Seven

The Chap was basically Jacks office, the furthest place away from everyone and it was practically sound proof. Wylie recommended it when he first started as the President years ago.

"What actually happened?" Jacks asked Hugo as they finally reached his office. Hugo slumped down into the cushioned chair in front of the dusty mahogany desk. He let out a ragged breath and leaned on his other arm.

"He sent me... On a food run, buying a lot of shit and then I came back, their bikes were gone," he let out another breath and looked to Jacks. Hugo's lids were feeling heavy as he tried to retell the events he barely remembered.

"...And I walked in and Tiny was tied to a chair and there was so many bruises and cuts. And his men, they were everywhere, and then Guinnes confronted me." He breathed out a sigh and sat up straight. "He asked if I worked for you, I didn't respond. He shot my shoulder and pressed the gun to my temple, he asked me again and I didn't say anything. But I told him to let Tiny go, he laughed in my face. He was... crazy. I think he was high or whatever, but he wasn't even angry. Just weird, he stabbed her and her scream... oh my God, her screams," his head dropped into his hands and he let out a long breath. He was hurt that Tiny was hurt in the process and it made him want to kill something. Break something, or someone.

"Alright Hugo, go relax, I'll handle this," Hugo stood up and looked at Jacks briefly and then turned to walk out of the office. Jacks let out a long sigh and sat down in the black chair behind his desk. The two men still stood in his office, he didn't address them until after he relaxed.

"Those... fuckers, are gonna get it... they're gonna get everything they fucking deserve," he growled out. He heard the shuffle of the men and then he turned in his chair. His hands on his chin, clasped together to support his head.

"Go get Flap and Wylie," he watched as the men walked out, but he stopped them, another idea coming to mind. "Wait. Never mind, just Wylie." The two went to go follow he orders.

What the fuck was he going to do? He had two injured members, one in the hospital, which was now going to be on record and the other looked liked he was going to die. Or suffering from PTSD. He sighed and leaned forward on his desk and groaned. And he had a 16 year old daughter living with him. He was in so fucking deep, the shit was slipping into his shoes. He didn't have to worry about Nonna because she could take care of herself, but Isabelle... If that motherfucker did anything to Isabelle, he'd destroy him. In cold blood, but technically it would not be cold blood.

Just thinking about Isabelle getting hurt in any of the shit he's involved in, made his rotten fucking heart ache. He just met the damn girl and he felt attached to her like he raised the child himself. His thoughts were cut off and he lifted his head up as a knock sounded on his door.

"Come in," he growled. Wylie came walking in and closed the door right behind him. He stood until Jacks nodded for him to sit down.

"You needed to talk with me?" Wylie said. Jacks nodded his head and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He cleared his throat and then rubbed his chin.

"I think we need to strike a deal with Guinnes," he said slowly. Wylie sat up straighter as he watched the serious expression that occupied Jacks face.

"Why do you want to deal with him now, you didn't want to be involved in his bull shit since the beginning?" Wylie asked. Jacks rubbed his slowly growing beard and then let out a defeated sigh.

"I know espionage is not really our thing, but if we could frame him some ho-"

"That shit is not gonna work out. We're not regular ole' citizens Jacks, that shit would come back and bite us in the ass," Wylie interrupted.

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