The Rightful Luna and The Fraud

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Chapter 14

~I was in a beautiful meadow with bright flowers blooming everywhere. I felt happy, so content.

"Mommy!" Two familiar voices squealed out. I turned making the grass bend at my feet. And there they were, my twins. They laughed out as someone wrapped their arms around them picking them off floor.

"No! Mommy save us from daddy!" Joey yelled through his laughing fit. A smile spread on my face as I wobbled over to them.

"Which one do you want. I think this one has more meat, Alpha's should get the most meat." Caleb hummed as he lifted Joey a bit higher.

"No mommy he's going to eat me!" Joey let out a strange mix of a giggle and laugh as Caleb playfully bit his tummy.

"You can have him I want her. She looks juicy!" I let out a wicked laugh before grabbing Zoey and attacking her tummy with kisses. "Mommy stop it!" She giggled. I laughed and set her on her feet. The twins took off and started to chase each other.

"Soon we'll have another pup running around like a maniac." Caleb chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist, caressing my belly. I gasped as I saw my large belly covered by my white maxi dress.

"I promise nothing will separate us. I want to be there to see our pup grow." He glanced over to the twins and frowned. "I'm sorry I was such a child. You don't know how much I wish I was there for the twins." My eyes glazed over with tears as I looked at the man in front of me. "You're here now that's all that matters." I sniffled before fully facing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down but before our lips met, I heard a deadly growl.

I turned to see a large multicolored wolf pounce out of the woods heading to the twins.

"No!" I screamed thrashing against Caleb’s hold on me. "Caleb! Let go!" I continued to push his chest with no avail.

"Cal-" I gasped seeing a familiar pair of coal black eyes staring back at me. Heath.

"Missed me." ~

"Jake hold her down!"

"What's going on!"

"Ariana baby please calm down." Someone cooed into my ear. I let out a small whimper before slowly opening my eyes.

Caribbean blue. Caleb.

My eyes filled with tears, remembering how those loving eyes turning into wicked black.

"Love don't cry. You're okay." He cringed smoothing back my hair.

"Where are the twins! Are they okay? Did Heath get them! Where are they!" I shouted throwing the thin white sheet off my body.

"Ariana sweetie please lay back down!" I jumped startled to find someone else in the room. "Lay down." Jackson repeated sternly.

"No my kids need me." I growled jumping off the bed. I never expected my legs to feel like jell-o.

I let out a small gasp as my legs fell out from under me. Before I could hit the floor someone wrapped their arms around me.

"Ari, the twins are fine. They're with Quinn. Please lay back down." Jake assured me sitting me back down on the bed. I could hear the threatening growl from behind me letting us know that Caleb didn't like that Jake was touching me.

"I need to see them." I whimpered ignoring Caleb. "I'll go get them." He kissed my forehead before walking out the door.

"What happened?" I asked looking over to Jackson. "You were attacked." I could hear the pain and anger in his voice as he stepped closer to me. "I'm sorry Ari. I heard your howl but I was too late. I'm so sorry baby."

My heart clenched seeing Caleb beating himself up for something that was out of his control. "Caleb it's okay." I assured him intertwining our fingers together.

I could feel his wolf calming down as he gripped my hand tighter. "Do you know who they were?" I asked turning to Jackson. "They?" I nodded before laying back down. My side felt as if someone lit it on fire.

"I'll get you some more morphine." Jackson rushed across the room grabbing the medicine before walking back to us.

"There was more than one?" Caleb growled breathing through his nose.

"Two. A male and a female." I nodded wincing as Jackson injected me. "They used a heavy bane." He sighed throwing away the needle into the container.

"I'm going to find them. And I will make them pay for the pain they're putting you through baby, I promise."

The look on his face was murderous and it terrified me. But before I could say anything someone burst through the door.

“Babe, what are you doing here! I’ve been looking for you for hours!” I shut my eyes and slowly shook Caleb’s hand off of mine. Sarah. How could one foolish dream make me forget that the man that was supposed to be my soul-mate, was engaged.

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