Chapter 26

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After reaching the center of Enbrant, Nira and Nef stayed behind as close to the Citadel as they could while Kara, Rayni, and Alor went with Mel to find Kaleth

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After reaching the center of Enbrant, Nira and Nef stayed behind as close to the Citadel as they could while Kara, Rayni, and Alor went with Mel to find Kaleth. Nef would have been worried about Relioth noticing him and Nira, but there were so many people here that they could easily blend in. It wasn't like Nef wanted to see what would happen that much, but both he and Nira felt like this was something they should witness. Plus, it beat waiting in the car.

Despite knowing what was about to happen, Nef still flinched when Relioth got shot and then stared in horror when he continued to live. He looked at Nira, but she didn't look back at him until Relioth teleported away. Once she did, she seemed as bewildered as he felt.

All around them, confused and scared voices overlapped each other, but Nef could barely hear them. He just stared at Nira, for once having no idea what to say or do. Fortunately, Nira took his hand and dragged him away from the scene which helped him get some clarity.

They didn't stop until they reached the car. Nef doubted Nira had any idea where to go from here, especially since neither of them had the car keys, but Nef at least felt better now that they couldn't see the Citadel anymore.

"What the hell?" he asked no one in particular, and Nira just shrugged hopelessly. "That should have worked, right? Why didn't it work?"

Nira didn't give him an answer and instead asked her own question. "What's going to happen now? He can't just go on pretending he didn't survive a headshot."

Nef opened his mouth, then closed it a second later and frowned in thought. He hadn't even thought of that, but Nira was right. Did Relioth have such control over the media that he would be able to stop all of them from saying anything, or would he just say the truth?

Nef almost laughed at that thought. Saying that their gods were real and had been controlling the government should go over well with the public. Actually, that wouldn't be funny for long because Relioth and his lackeys had superpowers and could control people through fear. And speaking of powerful people controlling others through fear....

"Nira?" he started and waited for her to look at him. She seemed to be so lost in thought that he had to tap her arm to get her to listen to him. "Remember the whole thing with you thinking about leaving Enoria?"

Nira looked a little annoyed. "Don't worry, I'm not leaving."

Nef scratched the back of his neck. He really shouldn't have tried to change her mind back then. "Yeah.... I'm starting to think that maybe you should."

Nira stayed silent for a moment, only blinking at Nef in surprise. An understandable reaction since he barely ever admitted that he was wrong, even when he knew he was. "Y-you are?"

"Yep." Saying that single word was somehow harder than suggesting she should leave. Maybe because now there was no going back on what he had said. Until now, he could have just told her something along the lines of haha, just kidding, and pretended he hadn't said anything.

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