[PART N°- 01]

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Because of what was happening. It wouldn't all last forever. And to be honest, this will slowly make sense. About Ayumi, not a lot of specific things are known exactly. And currently, with Sofia's case, not everything is back to normal.

—Sweetheart... Are you okay? —said the empress worried. Having seen all the events that had happened to his daughter. The emperor had taken it with some denial.

—Yes, I'm fine... No worry. —the emperor said, to smile sweetly at his wife. They had seen the boys off to the rose maze. The royal couple began to walk towards the throne room. They were both quiet, but the Queen was feeling very subdued, very ill. And now with the coronation of her eldest son.... Things were not going to turn out very well for everyone. And also, with the growth of the youngest, Mei-Ling, although they thought about changing her name when the time came.

They walked on, little by little, the emperor seemed more and more worried, and not only about his wife and his family. He was also worried about the whole planet. The Snake was actually free, and that made him mad. He knew that at any moment, everything he had planned, could fall into ruin. They continued to walk through the beautiful hallways, the silence growing in their presence. Until the empress broke the silence.

—Sofia, she is still very young. She is just a child. She needs medical support, psychological help, I don't know how to... How the Pilot made a prophecy like that.

—You must be calm darling... I didn't know my mother did such a stupid thing either. Or at least, she burned the copy of the manuscript. You know what, I wasn't that close to her.

—She made it for your welfare. Or at least... Of their grandchildren...

The emperor, he remained thoughtful for a few minutes. It felt like everything that had happened in most of his life was a game of chess. He looked at the windows for a few moments, and slowly began to devise a plan. A strategy for what was slowly coming to pass. The empress understood what her husband was doing, and when they were about to follow...

—Mama, dada! Sofia returns...

It just was little Mei running like she had never run before. To jump and fall into her mother's arms. The emperor smiled sweetly at his daughter, to give her a kiss on the forehead. And then, they saw Akihiro and the others. But...

Where are Sofia?

Something that also surprised the mother was that Jay was not there. Emi finally convinced them to see about the manuscript, and that Sofia is fine, she's just taking a breather after all that running. Although in reality... She was somewhere else.

Akihiro hablo sobre lo poco que han leído del manuscrito, y también sobre de que deberían averiguar sobre los misterios que dejo el Aviador. Debido a que, si sabían algo sobre el futuro de Sofía o del propio Principito, lo debían descubrirlo ahora mismo. Y tanto como sus padres, y de sus colegas, llegaron a un acuerdo en eso. El equipo tenía que descubrir lo que el Aviador le dijo a Sofía en aquel 'accidente'. Y no solo eso, si había algo que le marcaria algo negativo en ella, deberían evitarlo a toda costa. Pero, deberían ocultarlo a Sofía, saben que ella es muy sensible. Pero... ¿Porque lo harían? ¿Porque lo ocultarían? Sofía al enterarse de un suceso que le podría marcar, podría estresarse, tensionarse. Y eso que el problema principal es eso, ¡Que el Aviador la eligió sin su propio consentimiento! Aparte, que este mismo ¡Ya sabe cómo será su futuro, y no podrá cambiarlo! Y eso deberán descubrir los demás.

—We're back...

The others saw Sofia and Katashi together. Both were holding hands, smiling. Akihiro almost threw the chest out of the window when he saw this scene. And what about Mariana, who had already suspected it, but didn't notice any change. Apparently, they hadn't kissed, but at some point, they would. Although it would not be possible, because Sofia is very shy with her feelings. And William was just shocked. But then again, knowing Katashi, it's doubtful that they would kiss at an opportune moment.

The boys ran to congratulate the couple. The girls screamed with joy, finally someone dared to confess. Well... It was everyone's idea to gather Sofia and Jay in the botanical garden of the institute to see the beautiful scenes that were about to take place. But someone 'ruined' the surprise.

For Sofia too, even though it's an emotional event, she's worried. She is also worried. And not only because of the fact about Katashi, but also... She was worried about someone else, about how the Snake can take advantage of that person's innocence and good heart...

And this person, is Little Prince.

The emperors smiled at Katashi with sincerity, making an affirmation to the relationship that was ready to become official. And that they are gradually preparing for both formal and casual meetings. For both Jay's planet and Sophia's planet are good partners. Not all planets have a good connection. If you found something of other planets in your zone, you are really lucky.

Jay for his part was happy, finally able to confess his love to the one who would be his confidant companion, the one they would trust, the one they would help. Even though she would be gone for a long time. He could manage a long-distance relationship. But...

There's something about Jay, that they still DON'T know...

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