Final selection [4]

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Sorry for not updating (': didn't thought people liked this and I didn't exactlyyyyy knew how to continue if you know what I mean but here we are now (:

Let's just ignore something when it doesn't make sense okay?-

No! I am not willing to leave the forest before i see Makomo or Sabito.
POV Sabito
See what happens in the next chapter :>


POV Sabito

My face was bloody , I had a deep wound on my cheek. A group offered us to take us with them but I refused. It was an long argument but in the end I won , I knew makomo was feeling uncomfortable and wanted to leave but we couldn't just leave without Giyuu! I tried to stop the bleeding on Makomo's head using my kimono , now I would probably freeze but I really don't care because if I didn't stop the bleeding then she would probably pass away.

And as the unknown group left us we went back to where we last seen Giyuu.
"I'm feeling dizzy" Makomo mumbled , I looked over to her and she looked so pale.. "then let's sit down for some minutes" I knew it wasn't safe right now , the trees covered the sun so it was basically dark. "I don't think we will find him there.. he probably moved on somewhere else" Makomo once again spoke up as I sat down next to her ,"Maybe , but I just don't know where to look so I try to do my best.." I whispered, I could feel how my voice wanted to crack , I wasn't going to cry in front of her but the worry grown by every second and it was so hard to not let out a tear

I heard so many sounds , rustles , screams and the sound of the wind. It seemed louder than usual and it terrified me. I couldn't find the difference if someone was getting near to us or if it was just the wind , it really killed me inside slowly
"Let's keep going and keep on pressing the kimono against the wound" I ordered , Makomo gave me a slight nod and so we got up from the ground.

We walked around for hours , searching for Giyuu everywhere and I almost lost hope. What if he got killed? What if he already left? Oh please let him be save.
No , I need to think positively.
He IS save
He IS alive
He IS somewhere
I just know it

"Sabito , You seem tense" Makomo broke the silents ,"I'm sure he's okay" She tried to make me feel better , I'm thankful for it.

How I hate the thought of Giyuu lifeless in front of me. It just scared me. Makomo and I were so lucky because we didn't meet many demons by now. I hope she doesn't pass away from her wound.. my kimono was already full of her blood.

I could never forgive myself if Makomo bled to death. I never expected the final selection to be so brutal. By now I didn't care that I was wounded - I just wanted to see Giyuu again. I wanted to hold his body and hear his beautiful laugh again while his eyes would shine.

It was almost disgusting to walk through this forest as you had to walk through many pools of blood and not to mention the many corpses that had not yet been eaten. It really was a traumatic sight.

Suddenly we heard such a strange noise , it was a rustle but louder. It smelled weird , was it a demon..? Oh god I hope not .. Makomo is injured , she would die.
"Stay here, I take a look" I ordered once again and took my katana.
I looked behind the tree where the noises came from , I saw a person.
The person sat on the ground , they had blood all over their body.. "hello?are you okay?" The person quickly looked at me.

I could always recognize this face , How vulnerable it always looked at me, like it expected me to hit it. And the eyes that belonged to the face, I could always look into them for hours. The person I saw was Giyuu
My beloved Giyuu

My heart and stomach turned upside down as I saw how bloody he was. He looked so different.. what was going on..?

•A few hours ago••
POV Giyuu

I already saw the exit , no , I won't leave ! Not without him.
I broke away from the others and ran back to the forest as fast as I could. 
" Where are you going?!!" One of them yelled but I ignored them.

I kept running, I kept my katana handy and looked everywhere. A few demons got in my way, but I knocked off their heads with ease. I ignored the blood running down my sides from fresh wounds. However, that attracted even more demons, the fresh smell of my young blood. A big demon suddenly stood in front of me and not too far away came the second one, which was even bigger. They seemed to be very strong, but I killed the demon right in front of me. However, the second demon was a difficult opponent, he didn't give up. I felt myself getting new wounds and whimpered from the pain. The demon grinned at me, after scratching me one last time with his wounded hand , I felt like I was going to pass out. Luckily for me, a stranger came and rescued me, but she left as quickly as she came. I felt more and more weird as if I was going to get sick now too. My body felt heavier and I staggered across the floor.

Eventually I fell to the ground and my body felt numb. My whole body was shaking in pain that was getting worse by the second. I felt so weak and couldn't even call for help, I lay helpless on the floor and felt myself slowly passing out.

When I woke up I felt different

POV back to Sabito

He looked different? "Giyuu.. what's wrong?.." I asked and felt how my voice wanted to break. Those eyes that I loved looking at were different. I dropped my katana in shock , you must be kidding me.
"Sabito what's wrong?" I heard Makomo come closer ,"It's Giyuu.. but.." I began but didn't finish my sentence, she came closer and took a look and it seemed like her heart just dropped to the ground and broke into pieces just like mine.

I kneeled down in front of him and looked him into the face. He gave me a  stare of emptyness. After looking closer I noticed the sharp teeths he now had.
I couldn't hold it anymore
I lost
We lost

I failed to protect my friend and my beloved Giyuu. Oh Mr Urokodaki please forgive me , I failed.
I felt how tears streamed down my face and how my hands began to tremble. Giyuu gave a look of confusion and tried to catch my gaze. "Sabito.." Makomo whispered from behind , I could clearly hear how her voice was about to break down as well. It was a miracle that Giyuu wasn't attacking us , as if he knew who we are. As if he remembers us.

"Please forgive me" I said under my crying and whimpering, none of this would have happened if I had taken care of him. It felt like my heart was ripped out and someone stepped on it. Not even in my worst nightmare did I feel such piercing pain. Why did all this happen? Everything was going so well, so why do you have to take Giyuu away from me?

My hand slowly grasped the demon's hand. It was as soft as ever , however, it was cold - or lifeless you could say. Even more tears streamed down and Makomo was crying by now as well. My heart was aching, it felt like I was dying myself, it felt so bad.

Giyuu didn't deserve to be a demon, he was far too perfect. It was so unfair. I had racing thoughts and so many emotions going through my body at the same time - anger , sadness, self blame and so much more. It truly overwhelmed me.

He's a demon now and it's my fault , I wish I could turn back time.

I completely lost grip on him.

Losing Grip | Sabigiyuu Where stories live. Discover now