Chapter 2 - Trouble

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I walked through the hallways one last time to collect my things from the locker. As I did, I saw some of my classmates whispering and staring but I ignored them. I had endured enough here.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out of the school building. I take a deep breath of the fresh air. Finally, I'm free. I decided to go for a walk in a bit since I had nothing to do anymore. Maybe I should find another school when I got home.






When I came at the bus stop, I wait with other commuters for the bus to arrive. The bus eventually comes and I got inside to find a seat near the back. There are still several stops left until I reach my destination.

After what seems like an eternity, I finally get home. As I step out of the bus and walk towards the front door before entering the house. I take off my shoes and climbed upstairs to my room.

I sat down from the bed, took out my laptop, and start to search another school for me to get enrolled.

A couple of minutes later, I felt a buzz from my phone and saw a message from someone saying:

"Meet me tonight and make sure to pack your things as well."

"Looks like I have an appointment." I whispered to myself and put the phone aside in the desk. I shed my bag to the floor and took out the luggage from the cabinet. I opened the zipper to pack my belongings.

But first I have to change my clothes. As I walked towards the closet and opened, looking for some clothes to wear. I decided to select a cozy gray hoodie, paired crisp white shorts and knee-length white socks.

Then I put all of my clothes, shoes, blankets, towels, toiletries, makeup, laptop, chargers, headphones, earbuds, wallet, books, and school supplies. And I folded my school bag before tucking it into the luggage and closing the zipper.

I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I walked out of my room, shut the door behind me, and walked down the stairs towards the door. As I head outside from the house.

I noticed two cars parked outside and my eyes landed on a man standing beside one of the cars. The man's face made me quickly recognize that he was working as a butler. I feel a little surprised and confused at the same time.

Normally, I'd expect him to be busy, like running errands or taking care of something, not waiting for me with a car outside of the house if there was no valid reason to do so. I wonder what he could want.

"Miss Iris, your father has sent me here to pick you up." The butler conveyed. Meanwhile, a few men emerged from one of the cars and headed towards the house.

"What's going on?" I asked in confusion.

"Since your father messaged you to pack your things, he's sent some of his men to use the house." The butler explained which I don't mind and I don't care either way.

"Where is he?" I asked, not particularly bothered by the situation.

"To the mansion, miss." The butler confirmed in his usual manner.

"Fine, let's go." I replied. As the butler opened the car door and assisted me with my luggage. Once I settled into the backseat, he closed the door and made his way to the driver's seat, starting the engine with a sift hum.

After minutes of driving, we've finally arrived. As the butler eventually pulls up to the mansion. I quickly climbed out of the car and walked inside the mansion while the butler dutifully carried my luggage.

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⏰ Last updated: 29 minutes ago ⏰

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