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"What happened to you all and where were you all?" My father's loud and authoritative voice reaches our ears as soon as we step into the quiet house.

We are all immediately met with Stefano and Dad, standing next to each other inside the foyer, pinning the five of us with a glare.

"We do not need to explain ourselves to you." Giovanni retorts, rolling his eyes at my father's tone.

"You do to me." Stefano speaks up, his voice firm and leaves no room for any arguments.

"We are not kids and we know how to handle ourselves." Lucas grumbles under his breath.

"From the way you look, I doubt it." Stefano comments, assessing our torn and bloodied clothes. "You look you just went through hell." He scoffs.

"Something like that." Valeria says under her breath, her eyes going over her clothes.

"Enough with your sarcastic comments now. You owe us an explanation." Dad states as he turns on his heels, motioning us to follow him. All five of us let out groans and I feel like a kid that has been caught stealing candies when I was prohibited from eating it.

"Why are they treating us like kids?" Giovanni asks, irritated.

"If you don't want to be treated like a kid, stop whining like one." Valeria replies, giving him an innocent smile yet mischief is glowing clearly in her eyes.

"Stop it you two." Lucas glares at the two.

"Is someone feeling left out?" Valeria teases him. He just scoffs, taking his phone out and scrolling through it while walking in the direction Stefano and dad went.

A few more steps later we find ourselves in my father's office. We all go to the couches, taking a seat. I let out a relieved sigh at the feel of the soft material under me that reduces the ache in my body a little. I lean back into the couch, resting my head on it.

"What happened?" Dad asked firmly. "And no stupid comments from any of you."

"The Russians happened." Valeria informs.

"That is not enough details Valeria." My father sighs. "How did they know you were at the Phantom night club?" Stefano asks.

"We have no clue." Giovanni speaks up. "Maybe they had a tracker on us. Our cars maybe?" Lucas adds.

"Must be." Valeria agrees. "Because on our way there, we did not see anyone follow us. Neither did we see anyone suspicious once we entered the club. They must have gotten there after us."

"Where were you when they attacked you all?" Dad asks.

"We were all separated at that time." Lucas says. "Valeria was on the dance floor. I was outside on a call and I don't know about the others." He shrugs at the end.

"Oh I had gone outside for a while too." Giovanni informs us. "These two were still in the room, right?" He asks us.

My eyes connected with Lorenzo's eyes from the other side of the couch as we both look at each other at the same time. "Yeah." I averted his gaze as I answer.

"I was on the dance floor when they just started shooting randomly." Valeria says. "They were not aiming at anyone in particular though. They just wanted to clear the club."

"Where did you go then?"

"I could not go back to the room since the Russians were already filling the club." She explains. "Then I met Giovanni when he was coming back into club. When they saw us, they started shooting at us, trying to take us down."

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