Chapter 14: The End

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The chasm closed up, engulfing them all in water, and the Pearl jerked a little as the ocean connected again.

The crew kept turning the giant crank and kept pulling the anchor up, until Jack, (Y/n), Ronan, Callie, Carina, and Henry all appeared above the surface, taking in as much oxygen as they could.

The crew cheered as the six of them climbed over the rail and flopped onto the deck. They all stood up, and Jack looked over the rail.

"Pirates life, Hector." He said.

(Y/n) leaned her head against Jack's shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

The crew all looked at Jack, and noticed that Barbossa wasn't with them. It didn't take them all long to realize he wasn't coming back. The crew all removed their hats in respect for Barbossa and even Jack the monkey looked sad.

Carina stood at the front of the ship, looking out into the sea, when Ronan came up behind her, the diary in his hands.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

Carina shrugged. "I don't know. For a moment, I had everything, Ronan. Now it's all gone again."

"It's not all gone, Ms. Smyth." He told her, handing her the diary.

She gasped and took it, running her hands over the cover before looking into Ronan's eyes and shaking her head. "Barbossa. My name is Carina Barbossa" She corrected.

Ronan smiled. "I like it. Has a nice ring to it."

Carina smiled thankfully, and sighed. "I wish I knew what to do now. I've spent my life trying to find the Map No Man Can Read, but now that I have, I'm not sure what to do next."

Ronan sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "I have a suggestion."

She looked at him in slight confusion. "You do?"

"Well, um, I've been thinking of starting my own crew, getting out on my own, finding my own adventures, you know. And...well it seems like it would be a good idea to have a smart, witty, beautiful astronomer aboard." He hinted.

Carina raised her brows. "Are you asking me to join your crew?"

He shrugged nervously. "Only if you want to."

Carina smiled widely and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'd like that." She replied.

She walked away, leaving Ronan staring after her with slightly flushed cheeks.


Henry, Callie, Ronan, and Carina all walked along the grassy hill of an island that had a lighthouse in the distance.

Henry squeezed Callie's hand nervously as he was seemingly waiting for someone, while Ronan stood a few feet back, with Carina holding onto his arm.

"Maybe Jack was right." Henry suddenly said.

"About what?" Callie asked.

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