Chapter 02. Shrishti meets her Mother

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Shrishti stood up in shock. Where was she? Why was it white everywhere? She looked down to see the floor was also white. And there were no visible corners in the room. It felt like she was in a white space that was never ending. What is happening here? Just then a bright light shone in the room making her eyes hurt. She flung her hands over her face while closing her eyes. Once again she questioned; what was happening here?

After few minutes, Shrishti peeked between her fingers. The light had dimmed and in front of her stood a person. Shrishti pulled her hands down and stared at the person. She could not see the person's features clearly for a while and she squinted. And then her eyes widened. Because standing in front of her was none other than her own mother.

'Ma....', Shrishti whispered, unable to believe what she was seeing. But who else would it be? The person looked like the way her mother did in her last picture. The same eyes, the same smile, the same loving glance towards her, if this was not her mother then who else it was? The woman's eyes were tearing up as she raised her arms wide and Shrishti could not help but sob as she hurled herself into the arms of her mother.

'Mumma!', she cried out as she started to sob softly. Her mother felt solid in her arms and Shrishti instinctively tightened her grip. How much had she longed for her mother in her life? How many times she wished her Ma was around her? How many times she wanted to ask her advice but did not have the option? She yearned and yearned for her mother for so many years and finally her mother was next to her. Shrishti could not stop her sobbing even if she wanted to.

After few minutes, her mother was the one who stopped her tears.

'Enough, my doll, enough. How much will you cry?'

Shrishti opened her eyes wide. Her mother's voice was so beautiful, so soothing. She burst out crying again as she realised that the first time in her twenty five years of life she heard her mother's voice was after she died.

Her mother sighed, 'Enough crying, my dear. When you cry, this mother's heart also hurts. Please.'

The please did the trick and Shrishti pulled away while wiping her tears.

'Let me have a look at my daughter. Last I saw you, you were a small baby in my arms.', her mother murmured as she cupped Shrishti's face and smiled at her. Her mother stared at her face as if she was memorizing it. Shrishti did not mind it; after all she was doing the same. Her whole life she had been told that she looked like her mother. Today was the first time, Shrishti could confirm it face to face.

'You look so pretty.', her mother said softly.

'Of course I do.', Shrishti retorted, 'I am your beti, aren't I?'

Her mother let out a laugh, 'You talk just like your dad.'

Shrishti's eyes widened. Her mother's laugh was so sweet. Suddenly, she felt jealous of everyone who heard her mother laugh for so long. Even Pappa must have heard it more than me, she mused. Then she blinked. She could not believe she was jealous of her own father. How silly was she! She chuckled at her own silliness.

When she looked up, her mother was looking at her with teary eyes, 'I feel jealous of your father today.'


'How many times he got to hear you laugh!'

Shrishti blinked. Was her mother pouting?

'We are similar. I was thinking the same thing. Pappa got to hear your laugh so many more times than me.', Shrishti huffed.

Her mother and she shared a look and both burst out laughing at their silliness.

'You may talk like your dad but you are as silly as me.', her mother patted her head.

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