Chapter 32: The Scary Hours

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A loud thud on the door woke Makris up. Immediately his eyes pushed open. They squinted to adjust to the stream of lights going past the windows. He tried to turn, but his neck felt stiff. It was like the blood circulation around his body had ceased. He took a deep breath and pushed himself up slowly.

At last, he could raise the upper part of his body. His hands went straight to his head when the vibration hit him. It was like a rave in there, with the bass at a maximum.

Another loud bang sounded on the door, and a loud groan escaped from Markris.

"Fuck me!" He cussed, struggling to move out of the bed. Soon as his feet touched the ground, he exhaled a sigh of relief. He straightened himself up and looked around the room.

There were empty bottles scattered all over. Female underwear was littered all over too. His brow raised as he took a quick look at himself.

He was completely covered. His face contorted some more as he tried his best to remember what the hell had happened here.

"Mark?" He heard a loud voice call.

"Just come in, for fucks sake!" He yelled back. Stumbling a bit, he held his head again, the ache returning with a vengeance.

"You've locked the door, mop head." The angry voice said. He tried to remember who had that voice, but his brain was fried. What did they mean by locked? Why would he shut himself inside this room? Most importantly, why couldn't he remember anything?

He summoned the last strength within him and pushed himself to the door. His hands rested on its handle momentarily before turning the key. The entry made open, and he stepped back.

"Finally, man," Jorginho said, coming in.

"Jorge?" He squinted and stretched his hands to search his friend's face.

"Yes, it's me. What is wrong with you?" He asked, lifting his brows.

"I should be asking you what the fuck happened here."

"Look, we don't have time for all of that. Your wedding is in five hours, and we need to get you ready." He said, already searching the room and picking up items belonging to Markris.

"What do you mean by wedding? Who's the wedding?" Markris asked, his face all twisted in confusion.

"Man, just come with me. I'll fill you in on our way to the hotel."


"Your dress just arrived, Lore," Verona said, coming into Lorena's room, with Archie in her arms.

"Oh?" She replied, her voice devoid of any form of enthusiasm.

Maria and Roselina were busy with her makeup after she turned back the makeup artists her father had sent to her. She didn't need a crowd right now. She just wanted this day done and over with.

"I instructed Francesca and Tanika to direct them upstairs. It looks like a Vera Wang design. Padre is showing out for this wedding." She joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

After the whole Markris infidelity reveals, Lorena finds it challenging to sleep. She had spent the night reassuring her that everything would be fine, even when she didn't believe it. Her marriage to the duke was never this complicated. The first time she met him, she was attracted to him. Maybe that was why she felt so sad for her sister.


Verona sighed. Her monotone replies were even more depressing. Not even the bubbly Maria and the ever-talking Roselina could cheer her up.

Forced Marriage To The Billionaire (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora