Alcon's Journal #14 -- Galileo 1 Space Habitat

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Mars tells me that the exploration mission has been completed and no small celestial body of immediate mining value has been found, but 23 potential small bodies with future mining value have been identified and their orbits have been sent to DSF for tracking. A new generation of survey spacecraft equipped with stronger detection equipment has been divided into sectors and is on its way to the Kuiper Belt. If any of these 23 small celestial bodies enter their survey sector, they will conduct further exploration and even necessary marking.

Soon after, Mars adjusted its course and began the return mission. The destination is the Galilean space habitat between Mars and Jupiter. After the initial acceleration phase, the return journey can be accelerated with the help of the Sun's gravity. Except for necessary avoidance before reaching Jupiter, basically no maneuver is required, and there is more than enough propellant. Mars seems particularly relaxed on the return journey, as all that is required is observation and recording of some asteroids. So, besides necessary periodic training exercises, physical training, we have more time for entertainment. On Mars' suggestion, I started learning to draw. This is the simplest learning project for astronauts because it does not require complex equipment and equipment, only an electronic drawing board is enough. At the same time, Mars also began to teach me material science. The whole return journey was basically spent learning, reading, music, movies, and video games. I still occasionally let the music that Mars turned on fill the 3137 interior, I either read or gaze at the stars with my wrist bracelet, getting lost in thoughts for a while.

Jupiter in sight gets brighter and brighter, and we are getting closer to the end of the return journey. Mars reminds me that Galileo 1 space habitat can now be seen with the naked eye. Looking in the direction Mars reminds me of, I can only see a moving dot. As the first human space habitat in the outer solar system, the construction of Galileo 1 is unprecedented. Its design breaks the conventional thinking of human interstellar construction, using three M-metal small asteroids that have been transformed and linked, instead of starting from a section of the cabin like traditional space structures. As I was trying to identify the shape of Galileo, Mars added, "When you can see that it consists of three small celestial bodies with the naked eye, we will be ready to land."

After a while, Mars and I are ready to land. After several simulations and calculations, Mars proposes a gravitational slingshot deceleration maneuver. With the saved propellant, we can approach Jupiter more closely and save the company money. Moreover, the additional time required occupies my vacation time. The DSF control center almost instantly agrees. Mars shows me the operation permit of the DSF on one screen and makes a face at me on the other screen, saying, "This is the win-win game I have learned."

I look at the route planned by Mars. 3137 will rush in the direction of Jupiter, turn around with the opportunity captured by Jupiter's huge gravitational force, complete a violent turn with the help of propellant, and then pass Jupiter. This process is very close to Jupiter. When Mars reminds me that Jupiter has entered the best observation range, I have stopped all my work, and I am ready to witness this moment.

Although I have seen many photos of Jupiter, when I saw the thick, layered and flowing surface of Jupiter like an oil painting, I unconsciously held my breath. Any pattern in any area could become an abstract oil painting subject. I suddenly thought of a term that I had created out of thin air, "born to be a painting"... I took out my bracelet, released it, and it slowly floated towards the porthole and stuck to it. I murmured to myself, "Mom, Dad, we've arrived at Jupiter..."

The cabin was quiet. We were being captured by Jupiter's huge gravity and starting to turn. Soon Mars would increase the 3137's thrust and use the gravity slingshot effect to complete the entire turning and deceleration. Mars thoughtfully prepared a coffee packet for me, and I floated by the window, sipping the coffee, quietly looking at this huge painting. The seemingly motionless oil painting actually corresponds to the movement of cloud clusters caused by hurricanes on Jupiter's surface at several hundred kilometers per hour. You can never anticipate how these lines and colors will flow in the future, which also makes every moment of the oil painting you see unique. I was completely absorbed in the moment, and time appeared to vanish.

When the engine roared again, the Galileo 1 space habitat rose from behind Jupiter, and I finally saw the complete picture of this space habitat. It is a space habitat composed of three M-type metal small celestial bodies connected and transformed. Three excavated and transformed M-type celestial bodies are assembled into a circular structure with three arc connecting arms. The three small celestial bodies are respectively named City 1A, 1B, and 1C. These three cities and the arc connecting arms form a huge rotating ring system, producing artificial gravity through centrifugal force. The long arms linking these three cities are made of materials from these three planets. On the arc-shaped long arms, there are elevators, pipeline transmission and counterweight balance systems, while the central balance position of the entire system is the docking port of the space habitat. This docking port and the connecting cable cars between each city forming the triangular layout are mainly used for transferring the spacecraft to the corresponding city after it docks at the port. Although the size of each city differs slightly due to the small celestial body transformation, the mass and center of gravity have been designed to be similar during the transformation. Combined with the counterweight balance system on the long arms, the center of gravity can always be maintained at the center of the ring.

Before landing, I had fixed all movable objects in the cabin according to the landing instructions, and then fixed myself in the adjustable seat of the connecting module's mechanical arm. Mars began to adjust 3137 to rotate longitudinally in synchronization with the docking platform, and after the docking was completed, the platform cable car took over 3137 and slowly stopped rotating and moved towards City 1C. Mars continued to adjust my seat as the cable car moved, and as it approached City 1C, the centrifugal force became closer to normal gravity. After more than ten minutes, I heard the sound of the locking mechanism, followed by Mars reminding me, "Alcon, we have arrived."

Although the gravity seats have been adjusted, the sensory ground on my left cabin wall, where I usually stay, feels a bit strange. I unfasten my seat belt and step on the floor (wall) towards the central cabin of 3137 to prepare for the exit. Mars has also released the net ladders on the walls of the surrounding cabins. "Alcon, remember to bring the navigation system from the space city. We will be taking a rest here for approximately 600 clock cycles, equivalent to approximately 100 days on Earth."

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