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Privet chats

Bloodsucker: so how is it dating Wednesday?

Wolfy: ummm its interesting

Bloodsucker: wdym?

Wolfy: one time I got her mad and asked her for a cup of water and she brought me ice and said wait😭

Bloodsucker: 💀

Bloodsucker: imagine

Wolfy: stfu

Wolfy: but she also has abandonment or trust issues because every time we hang out Wednesday thinks I an leaving her but I a not yk I love her

Bloodsucker: I mean I can see why but I think u should talk to her yk

Wolfy: we did have a talk abt it and we cuddle after I like yk made sure she knew I loved her yk

Bloodsucker: ur feelings for her are frfr

Wolfy: 💀💀💀💀

Bloodsucker: tell wens I said hi, also invite wens bc me, bianca and div are going to a museum so of yall wanna come????

Wolfy: OFC I WILL TELL WENS THX amd she said hi back to u

Bloodsucker: gtg B is yelling abther hot sauce

Wolfy: alr

Wolfy: over sauce💀

Lil more this time

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