Chi's My Stylist, Not Yours

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"You guys are lifesavers—Davis and Cher are somewhere being all coupled up, and Lakyn managed to steal my own twin from me," Jalen ranted, shaking his head as he popped a french fry into his mouth, "I mean who even does that? You know?"

We were currently sitting outside at a nearby lunch spot in Harvard Square, the weather felt comfortably warm and the umbrella managed to shade us from the intense sun. Everything felt chill—well except for the fact that Jalen couldn't stop ranting about how Lakyn stole Jaden from him.

Chicago laughed slightly, "Right? That's just the worst thing someone can do."

Jalen shook his head, pointing one of his fries at us, "That woman is evil—evil I tell you."

I laughed, realizing Jalen and Cher would probably bond over their shared hate for Lakyn, "So so evil, Jalen," I mocked.

"Bring out the rosaries," Chicago joked, shaking her head as she took a bite of her chicken wrap.

Jalen nodded a few times, "That's a great idea, Chi—cop one for me, will you?" he asked, earning a muffled laugh from Chicago who was chewing her food. "While you're at it, your dad manages Channing Tatum, right? Maybe we could get him to seduce Lakyn away."

I couldn't help but laugh along with Chicago who was laughing even harder now.

"My god, Jalen, you are actually geeking me right now," Chicago breathed out as she caught her breath between laughs.

But when Jalen remained completely serious, it managed to make us both laugh even more, realizing that he was, in fact, not joking.

"Was Channing Tatum a reach? Maybe we could do Michael B. Jordan," Jalen proposed, dipping his fries in ketchup.

Chicago shook her head, nudging me slightly as she continued laughing, "Please get your friend," she breathed out.

I only shook my head, trying to force my own uncontrollable laughter away, "He's your friend today."

Jalen sighed wistfully, "I wish I could be Michael B. Jordan's friend," he said, easily making my laughs grow.

Chicago shook her head a few times as her laughter slowly faded, "Real talk, it hurts to even think about laughing anymore, so Jalen just try not to talk."

I chuckled a few times, "That's like asking me to not get lost."

Chicago hummed sharply, pursing her lips to hold back her laugh, "Are you trying to hurt me right now? I physically can't even laugh at you and you say something like that?"

I laughed, shrugging my shoulders, "Just wanted to see if you were being truthful."

Chicago held her stomach, "Hell yeah, I'm being truthful, I don't think I can even eat anymore—thanks Jalen," she said, redirecting her attention to the guy seated across from us.

Jalen looked up from his phone, "What?" he said clearly clueless. He suddenly turned his phone around for us to view, "Look, they posted at the same fro-yo shop—do you think they're together?" he asked, showing us Lakyn and Jaden's Instagram story.

I couldn't help but find his obsessiveness amusing—is this how all twins were?

Chicago pressed her accessorized fingers to her lips to hold back her laugh, shaking her head sharply, "I can't with you right now, Jalen."

Jalen groaned in irritation, "But I'm being serious," he pointed out, easily earning a laugh from me.

Chicago looked away, holding back her smile, "That's what makes this all that much funnier."

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